ActiveReports 8 Server SDK
EMailDistribution Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by EMailDistribution.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorEMailDistribution Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAsAttachmentGets or sets a value indicating whether include resource to the mail as attachment.  
Public PropertyAsLinkGets or sets a value indicating whether to include resource to the mail as link.  
Public PropertyAttachmentTemplateGets or sets the template to format the attachment name.  
Public PropertyBaseUriGets or sets the base URI to use for link attachments.  
Public PropertyMessageBodyGets or sets the message body of e-mail.  
Public PropertySubjectGets or sets the subject of e-mail.  
Public PropertyToGets or sets the address collection that contains the recipients of e-mail.  
See Also


EMailDistribution Class
ActiveReports.Server.ReportServices.Contracts.Policy.Distributing Namespace

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