ActiveReports 8 Server SDK
IDesignerService Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IDesignerService members.

Public Methods
 MethodCancelRequestCancels the currently running request.  
 MethodCreatePolicyCreates a policy for the specified target.  
 MethodDeletePolicyDeletes the specified policy.  
 MethodDeleteReportDeletes the report specified by a id.  
 MethodDoLookupPerforms the lookup according to specified a model and a query.  
 MethodDownloadItemDownload a requested resource from the storage.  
 MethodExportDocumentExports the document specified by ID in relayout options to another format.  
 MethodGetListReturns a list of descriptors for specified type.  
 MethodGetParameterListReturns a list of report parameter descriptions for specified report.  
 MethodGetPoliciesGets a policy collection for the specified target.  
 MethodGetResourcePermissionsGets the permissions to the report.  
 MethodGetUserCapabilitiesReturns a user capabilities.  
 MethodIsLoggedInDetermines whether the security token is valid.  
 MethodLoginChecks user credentials and creates an security token if the credentials are valid.  
 MethodLogoutRecalls the security token.  
 MethodRelayoutDocumentRelayouts the document specified by ID in relayout options.  
 MethodRenderReportRenders the report specified by a report description.  
 MethodResolveParametersPopulates the report parameters.  
 MethodRetrieveHistoryRitrieves the collection of policy history entries matching the specified target.  
 MethodSavePolicySaves the changes to the specified policy.  
 MethodSetDescriptionSets the item description.  
 MethodSetResourcePermissionsSets the permissions to the report.  
 MethodSubmitReportSubmits the BugzScout report.  
 MethodUploadItemUpload item to server.  
See Also


IDesignerService Interface
ActiveReports.Server.ReportServices.Servicing Namespace

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