ActiveReports 8 Server SDK
Create a Custom Security Provider


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You must create custom security providers in order to provide security filters for model entities. This allows you to add single sign-on functionality using LDAP and Active Directory, and to control access to data with row-level security.

Once you implement interfaces from the Extensibility assembly and configure the resulting assembly in the Administrator Dashboard by selecting it in the Security Provider list, you and your administrators can add security filters to entities when you edit a model. For more information, see the Managing Security Providers and Modifying an Entity topics in the Adminstrator Guide.

You can use your UserContext attributes in the connection string of your data models by encasing them in percent signs. For more information, see the Changing the Connection String topic in the Administrator Guide

To implement Extensibility interfaces in a .NET 3.5 Class Library

To configure the provider

To add a row-level security filter

See Also



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