Bug Fixes
ClusterRadius now works properly when Negative values are used in the ChartSeries or the Column type is set.
Bug Fixes
- The same animation effect is applied in C1BubbleChart when setting any enum values of the Animation.Easing property.
- 'Length is null or not an object' Jscript error is no longer observed when C1BubbleChart has a BubbleChartSeries and postback occurs.
- The SeriesHoverStyle is still applied in a chart element after hovering the mouse over the chart element and when the mouse is moved outside of the chart element. Fixed.
- Callout triangle of a chart tooltip is shown when setting ShowCallout = False when CalloutFilled is set to True.
- Compass enum (North) now works in the Footer at both design time and run time.
- The Bubble chart series is still displayed when setting the Visible property of the bubble chart series to False.
- Unlike C1BarChart, "Size" property (Width, Height) does not work in the legend of C1BubbleChart. Fixed.
- JavaScript error "Undefined is null or not an object" occurs when setting the LegendEntry property in certain scenarios.
- The Stroke property of GridLineStyle is now reflected in the ValueLabel of the X and Y Axis.
- The Labels.TextAlign property now works correctly in the X and Y Axis.
Bug Fixes
- The title and dates are misaligned in certain scenarios with the default theme.
- DisabledDates are now displayed in a disabled style after postback.
- Multiple dates cannot be selected using the CTRL key although 'SelectionMode. Days=True' is set as the default value.
Bug Fixes
- The Click event is now raised when adding a button in the ItemContent of C1Carousel.
- Invisible carousel/gallery item becomes visible after postback occurs.
Bug Fixes
- The Text property now refreshes when an item is selected the second time.
- The SelectedItem.Value property now works. (Added the selectedValue property.)
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after selecting combo items when the AutoPostback property is set to true and the "SelectOnItemFocus" property is set to true.
- The 'Selected' property of ComboxItem now works.
- When selecting multiple items, only the last selected combo item is displayed in the textbox area when AutoPostBack is set to True.
- Disabled and invisible combo items are still working even though the Enabled and Visible properties of these combo items are set to False.
- SelectedItem.Value property now works.
- The SelectedIndex's value that was set at design time is now being retained after postback.
- Although selecting multiple items, only the last selected combo item is displayed in the textbox area when 'AutoPostBack' is set to true. Fixed.
Bug Fixes
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after hovering the mouse over the data point of the scatter chart type.
- Tick is now visible when the Position is set as Inside on the X-Axis.
- Tick Factor does not work properly when the Tick Position is set as Inside.
- The same animation effect is applied in C1CompositeChart when setting any enum values of the Animation.Easing property.
- The data series are now hidden correctly by clicking the toggle legend when PieChartSeries are used.
- HintContents are now displayed in PieChart, BarChart, ColumnChart and ScatterChart.
- At run-time, the position of the Axis and the position of the Origin is now identical when the BarChart Type is set.
- The Culture is now reflected for the AnnoFormat.
- All ChartSeries except PieChart become invisible when the "LegendEntry" properties of each series are set as "False" in certain scenarios.
- At both run-time and design-time, the Major GridLines of the Y-Axis are still visible although the "Axis.Y.GridMajor.Visible" property is set to "False".
- Unlike Major GridLines, Minor GridLines are not visible if the TickMinor.Position is not set explicitly.
Bug Fixes
- The Text property of C1Editor is now working properly in all browsers.
- The "Text" property return nulls when uploading any image and typing any text in the editor.
- The "DefaultFontName" and "DefaultFontSize" are now applied in IE8 and IE9 when these properties are set in C1Editor.
- Text displayed is now retained after postback when the upload button is clicked without selecting the file path.
- Text displayed in the Design view is moved to the source view and the Split view is displayed after clicking the "Tab" key although C1Editor is in Design view.
- Special characters and images are increased by one when the number of inserted times is odd.
- When the text of C1Editor is retrieved and displayed in the textbox, the existing images in the listbox of the "Image Browser" dialog are now displayed.
- C1Editor's Toolbar buttons in the Status bar are displayed vertically at Design time in Visual Studio 11.
- The deleted table is not actually cleared in the Editor box before refreshing the browser. Fixed.
- Invalid warning dialog box is opened when clicking on the 'Cleanup' button after a table is created.
- The 'OK' button now works to help choose the background color in the 'Insert Table' color box.
- Multiple-warning message box is no longer displayed with an incorrect name for the required value of the text box.
- The 'FontColor' is no longer applied to the background if a primitive sentence on the page is set with "Background Color" and setting the BackGround Color covers text.
- Warning messages were incorrect in the Insert dialogs (Table, Image Browser, Hyper Link, Special Character, etc.).
- The title name with the incorrect spelling 'Clearnup' is no longer used instead of 'Cleanup'.
- Words are no longer being skipped when using the Find dialog box after the contents of the editor were modified.
- Unlike Microsoft Word, the alignment set on a sentence is now shown as 'selected' in the C1Editor menu.
- Special characters and images are no longer inserted multiple times.
- When the “Apply Template” dialog box is canceled and forecolor or Backcolor is applied, the “ 'contentWindow' is null or not an object” javascript error is no longer observed.
- An error message box is no longer displayed after clicking the Spell Checking button in the editor when it is placed in a web page that uses a MasterPage.
- Table is replaced by text after copying text inside of a table and pasting it using context menu in the editor
- 'Undo' no longer removes the complete word instead of the formatting applied on the text in the editor.
- No media file is displayed if you set a valid 'Media URL' and the media rectangle disappears when double clicking on it. Fixed.
- Inserted special characters are no longer appearing outside of the C1Editor when browsing with IE.
- Inserted images are always appearing in one location although the cursor is set in different locations with the IE browser.
- Tables disappear and copied text is appearing after copying text inside the table and pasting using the context menu in the editor.
- The 'OK' button can now be used in choosing the background color in the 'Insert Table' color box.
- Text is now displayed when selecting "SourceView" with the ToolBar.
- Table is able to be edited by placing the cursor inside the cell instead of selecting the table.
- Text can now be input in the Editor area if the table is created first.
- Finding words has been skipped in the Editor's box after the modification behavior. Fixed.
- The 'Cancel' button is now working in both 'Clean up' and 'InsertTable' dialogs after opening the 'background' color dialog.
- You can now cut/copy and paste the table using the context menu in C1Editor.
- Adjusted the CSS to fix display issues in Chrome.
New Features
A new control, C1EventsCalendar, has been added to the studio. The Events Calendar Control is a fully functional schedule that allows users to add, edit, and manage their appointments. By default, the Events Calendar uses an XML data source, so you can easily add this control to your application without additional configuration.
Bug Fixes
- You can now collapsed or expand the grouped row when grid is in scroll mode after setting “ShowRowHeader" to True.
- Scroll bars are still working and frozen rows are not dim although the grid is disabled.
- You are now able to resize the column when the "AllowColSizing" property is set to True.
- When the “ScrollMode" property is set to “Auto" and setting the column width, the width set in the column is not applied at run time.
- The Javascript error no longer occurs when filtering Boolean column of C1GridView with a boolean of value 'True'.
- The Javascript error no longer occurs when setting the ‘ScrollMode’ property in certain scenarios.
- Text can now be entered in a filter row when setting the ‘ClientSelectionMode’ property.
Input Controls
New Features
A new AutoPostBack property was added to C1InputDate.
Bug Fixes
- The InvalidOperationException is no longer observed when placing the script manager on the same page with the C1Input controls
- The drop-down calendar is now localized in C1InputDate when the Culture property is set.
- The decimal is no longer ignored and an incorrect value is no longer returned if the Culture is set to Danish (da-DK).
- Empty Date Fields. Fixed.
Bug Fixes
Calendar now appears when clicking the Trigger button in IE8.
Bug Fixes
- Javascript error: Object doesn't support this property or method occurs in IE8 when the ShowFilter property is set to True.
- Unlike design time, picker for the Day of the week picker chooser property appears irrelevant at runtime. Fixed.
New Features
Added support for the Wijmo HTML5 Video Player.
Bug Fixes
- An error message is displayed when adding a LightBox item from the C1LightBox designer.
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after adding video and images files in a link url in the same lightbox control in certain scenarios.
Bug Fixes
- Disabled light box extender no longer works when Enabled is set to False.
- Consistent DialogButton icons are now displayed after closing the image when it is in Full screen mode.
- LightBox items that are added or deleted at run time are now retained after postback.
New Features
Added more DataBinding options for properties of all Charts. LegendEntry, Visible and Label can now be bound to the DataSource for more control over rendering.
Bug Fixes
- Animation properties have no effect on C1LineChart Animation. Fixed.
- Request to provide some properties for the data series which has bound data.
Bug Fixes
The OnClientFocus and OnCientBlur events are now fired when the Mode is Sliding.
New Features
You can now define the series style through the 'CssStyle' property in C1PieChart.
Bug Fixes
- Animation duration is now reflected for PieChartSeries on mouse over.
- Unlike previous released build, the Shadow is moving in a different direction while the PieChartSeries is animated. Fixed.
- Unlike previous released build, after hovering a pie chart element, the chart element is not moved back to the original position automatically when the mouse is moved to another element of the PieChartSeries.
- The TextStyle Rotation property under Header, Footer and Legend now work when setting the Scale property.
Bug Fixes
Setting 'Cap.PointerCapStyle.Fill.Color' is now rendering.
New Features
Added new client side methods: loadVisiblePagesData and updatePageImage.
Bug Fixes
A performance issue no longer occurs when loading a report for the first time.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the disabled tabs are not really disabled.
Bug Fixes
- NavigateUrl is now working with the Enter key.
- A Javascript error is longer observed after clicking a disabled tree view item in IE8.
- TreeView item text changed after postback occurs when the DisplayVisible property of one of the items is set to False.
New Features
- You can now select multiple files at once in the same folder.
- You can now modify the Default File filter when 'ValidFileExtensions' is set to some file extensions.