ComponentOne OrgChart for Silverlight allows you to create customized, rich applications. Make the most of OrgChart for Silverlight by taking advantage of the following key features:
• Flexible Data Binding
The C1OrgChart control is an ItemsControl. Bind it to a single entity containing sub-items or an IEnumerable collection of items which each can contain sub-items.
• Versatile Orientation and Flow
C1OrgChart can display items flowing horizontally or vertically in either direction. You can determine the flow of the chart by simply setting the Orientation and FlowDirection properties on the control.
• Collapsible Nodes
Allow the user to hide an item’s branches to create a more compact display. The C1OrgChart nodes have an IsCollapsed property that allows you to collapse or expand each node, similar to a TreeView.
• Connector Line Customization
The C1OrgChart control exposes several properties that allow you to customize the lines used to connect nodes. These properties allow you to customize the brush, thickness and dash array used to create connector lines. You can even bind these properties to properties on the data item to customize the lines per relationship.
• Child Spacing and Alignment Options
Customize the alignment and spacing of items in your OrgChart by simply setting a few properties. The control includes a ChildSpacing property that controls the separation between items (in pixels), as well as horizontal and vertical alignment properties which can give dramatic changes to the visualization.
• Complex Hierarchical Displays
In addition to the flexibility provided by data templates and bindings, the C1OrgChart control also supports advanced binding scenarios to create complex hierarchical displays. Use different templates for certain nodes based upon properties of specific data items like conditional formatting. For example, you could use different templates to visually distinguish among directors, managers, and clerical staff in an employee organization chart.