
  Class Description
Public class BackgroundGradientSuppressor
Hides the BackgroundGradient when the background is transparent or not a solid color.
Public class C1BrushBuilder
Builds a Brush from an Input color a Design brush and a color base extrapolating the design brush.
Public class C1DataTemplateSelector
Provides a way to apply data templates based on custom logic.
Public class C1DelegateCommand
Utility class that helps creating an ICommand from the delegates execute and canExecute.
Public class C1DragCompletedGestureEventArgs
The event args used by the DragCompleted event.
Public class C1DragDeltaGestureEventArgs
The event args used by the DragDelta event.
Public class C1DragStartedGestureEventArgs
The event args used in the DragStarted event.
Public class C1FlickGestureEventArgs
The event args used by the Flick event.
Public class C1GestureEventArgs
The base class for all gesture events. Also used by Tap, DoubleTap and Hold.
Public class C1GestureListener
Public class C1GestureService
The C1GestureService class is the helper for getting and setting GestureListeners on elements.
Public class C1HeaderedItemsControl
Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items which have header and content.
Public class C1HierarchicalDataTemplate
Represents a DataTemplate that supports C1HierarchicalPresenter, such as TreeViewItem.
Public class C1HierarchicalPresenter
Represents a control that contains multiple items and has a header.
Public class C1ListBox
List of items which can be used with heavy templates and preview template to scroll quickly.
Public class C1ListBoxItem
Visual element used inside a C1ListBox.
Public class C1ListBoxPanel
Virtualizing stack panel which supports preview templates in order to scroll quickly.
Public class C1MultiTouchGestureEventArgs
The base class for multi-touch gesture event args. Currently used only for two-finger (pinch) operations.
Public class C1PinchGestureEventArgs
The event args used by the PinchDelta and PinchCompleted events.
Public class C1PinchStartedGestureEventArgs
The event args used by the PinchStarted event.
Public class C1PromptBox
Displays a message box to get user input.
Public class C1PromptBoxContent
Control that displays the content of a prompt box. It's meant to be used inside a C1Window.
Public class C1PropertyPathHelper
Provides helper methods to work with Expression and property paths.
Public class C1RoutedEventArgs
The base class for CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs and ExecutedRoutedEventArgs classes. Provides some additional properties comparing to the RoutedEventArgs class.
Public class C1ScrollViewer
Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
Public class C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Provides basic logic to handle item selection using different selection modes.
Public class C1SlopedBorderAdjustConverter
Converter used to adjust a path so that it renders its stroke inside and not to both side of its position.
Public class C1StyleSelector
Provides a way to apply styles based on custom logic.
Public class C1TabControlAutomationPeer
Exposes C1TabControl to UI automation
Public class C1TabItemAutomationPeer
Exposes C1TabItem to UI automation
Public class C1TileListBox
List of items displayed in columns determined by the size of the items.
Public class C1TileListBoxPanel
Virtualizing panel which render the items in columns depending on the size of the items.
Public class C1TreeViewExpandButton
Public class C1TreeViewLine
Vertical connecting line.
Public class C1TreeViewLinePanel
A Panel which contains the vertical lines.
Public class C1ZoomUnitTypeConverter
Converts a string to a C1ZoomUnit and vice versa.
Public class CancelEventArgs
Provides data for a cancelable event.
Public class CancelSourceEventArgs
Provides data for a cancelable event.
Public class CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs
Provides data for the CanExecute and PreviewCanExecute routed events.
Public class CharConverter
Converts chars to strings.
Public class ClearStyleExtensions
Attached properties used to pass brushes to Microsoft controls.
Public class Clipboard
Provides access to the clipboard.
Public class ColorConverter
Converts between Colors and Brushes.
Public class CommandBinding
Binds an ICommand to the event handlers that implement the command.
Public class CommandConverter
Converts an ICommand object to and from other types.
Public class CommandExtensions
Provides attached properties emulating ICommandSource interface.
Public class CommandManager
Provides command related utility methods that register CommandBinding objects for class owners and commands, add and remove command event handlers, and provides services for querying the status of a command.
Public class CustomConverter
Converter which receive a function to convert the value
Public class DockExtensions
Provides exntesions methods for Dock.
Public class ExecutedRoutedEventArgs
Provides data for the Executed and PreviewExecuted routed events.
Public class Extensions
Class that provides static extension methods for several other classes.
Public class ItemPreparedEventArgs
Contains event data for the item prepared/cleared event. The event is associated to the PrepareContainerForItemOverride and ClearContainerForItemOverride methods of classes derived from C1HierarchicalPresenter. PrepareContainerForItemOverride and ClearContainerForItemOverride are invoked to prepare/clear a visual element to display the specified data bound item.
Public class KeyboardUtil
Keyboard utilities.
Public class LineDefinition
Defines row or column specific properties that apply to C1LinePanel elements.
Public class MaskedTextChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the MaskedTextChanged event.
Public class MouseDragEventArgs
Provides data for the MouseDragStart, MouseDragMove, and MouseDragEnd events.
Public class MouseWheelEventArgs
Provides data for the MouseWheel event.
Public class OpacityConverter
Converter used to convert Boolean values into opacity values. true = 1, false = 0.
Public class PopupUtil
Utility methods for popups.
Public class PositionChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the PositionChanged event.
Public class PrepareDropDownEventArgs
Argument of the event fired before the drop-down box is opened.
Public class PropertyChangedEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Provides event data for OnPropertyChanged events.
Public class PropertyChangingEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Provides event data for OnPropertyChanging events.
Public class SelectionChangedEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
Public class SmallShapePresenter
Internal class. Wrap a Shape object, such as a Path, with a SmallShapePresenter to prevent the shape from taking all available space when MaxHeight/MaxWidth is less than infinity.
Public class SourcedEventArgs
Contains data for events with a source different from the object firing the event.
Public class TextEditedEventArgs
AutoComplete event details.
Public class Trace
Provides a set of methods and properties that help you trace the execution of your code. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ValidateInputEventArgs
Arguments for the event fired to validate the input.
Public class VisibilityConverter
Converter from/to Visibility and Boolean.
Public class VTreeHelper
The VTreeHelper class provides utility methods that perform common tasks involving nodes in a visual tree.
Public class ZoomToScaleTransformConverter
Converts a double value to a ScaleTransform.


  Structure Description
Public structure AnchorMatching
Specifies an anchor matching between two elements.
Public structure C1HslColor
Class that allows to increase/decrease lightness of the specified color.
Public structure C1ZoomUnit
Represent a zoom which can be expresed like a fixed value, or relative to the viewport.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICharRange
Represents a character range within a string. This is used by ISpellChecker to represent the spelling mistakes found in text.
Public interface IOrderedSet<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Defines methods to manipulate ordered sets.
Public interface ISpellChecker
Provides spell checking services.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..GetSelection
Retrieves all the items that are comprised between the startItem and the endItem. Used when making a consecutive selection.
Public delegate C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..IsSelected
Used to get the current state of an item (selected/unselected).
Public delegate C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Select
Used to set an item as selected/unselected.
Public delegate CancelEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a cancelable event.
Public delegate CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the CanExecute event.
Public delegate DragDropEventHandler
Method used to handle drag drop events.
Public delegate ExecutedRoutedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Executed and PreviewExecuted events.
Public delegate MaskedTextChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the MaskedTextChanged event.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Anchor
Specifies an anchor point in a visual element.
Public enumeration AutoScrollMode
The ExpandMode enumeration is used in C1TreeView to specify the allowed number of expanded C1TreeViewItems.
Public enumeration AutoSizeMode
Determines how the popup will be resized when the content changes its size.
Public enumeration BreakLine
Specifies hard line breaks before and/or after elements in a C1WrapPanel.
Public enumeration BrushBuilderExtrapolationMethod
Determines how the extrapolation of colors will be made.
Public enumeration C1ListBoxItemState
State of a C1ListBoxItem.
Public enumeration C1MessageBoxButton
Specifies the buttons that are displayed on a message box.
Public enumeration C1MessageBoxIcon
Specifies the icon that is displayed by a message box.
Public enumeration C1SelectionMode
Defines the selection behavior for a control which supports the SelectionMode property like C1treeView.
Public enumeration C1TabItemCloseOptions
Close button options for the C1TabControl
Public enumeration C1TabItemShape
Supported shapes for the C1TabItem
Public enumeration C1TabPanelOverlapDirection
Z-Index arrangement of the items in the C1TabPanel.
Public enumeration C1WindowState
Specifies whether a window is minimized, maximized, or floating.
Public enumeration C1ZoomUnitType
Represent the kind of zoom.
Public enumeration Condition
Defines how to filter the items of combobox.
Public enumeration Dock
Specifies how controls are sized and aligned within C1DockPanel controls.
Public enumeration DragDropEffect
Specifies the action that will be performed when the user drops a drag source into a drop target element.
Public enumeration DropDownDirection
Provides the supported expand directions for the C1ComboBox.
Public enumeration ExpandMode
The ExpandMode enumeration is used in C1TreeView to specify the allowed number of expanded C1TreeViewItems.
Public enumeration MaskFormat
Defines how to format the value inside of a C1MaskedTextBox.
Public enumeration PinMode
Possible states of pin status for a C1TabItem.
Public enumeration RangeValidationMode
Mode of validation of the range between Maximum and Minimum of C1NumericBox.
Public enumeration SelectOnFocusCondition
Defines the possible conditions that cause selection of an entire control text when control receives focus.
Public enumeration UnselectedContentMode
Determines how C1TabControl retains the content of C1TabItems never or no longer selected.
Public enumeration ValidationState
Enumerates binding validation states.
Public enumeration ZoomMode
Indicates the current mode for zoom behavior in the ScrollViewer content.