Class | Description | |
BackgroundGradientSuppressor |
Hides the BackgroundGradient when the background is transparent or not a solid color.
C1BrushBuilder |
Builds a Brush from an Input color a Design brush and a color base extrapolating the design brush.
C1DataTemplateSelector |
Provides a way to apply data templates based on custom logic.
C1DelegateCommand |
Utility class that helps creating an ICommand from the delegates execute and canExecute.
C1DragCompletedGestureEventArgs |
The event args used by the DragCompleted event.
C1DragDeltaGestureEventArgs |
The event args used by the DragDelta event.
C1DragStartedGestureEventArgs |
The event args used in the DragStarted event.
C1FlickGestureEventArgs |
The event args used by the Flick event.
C1GestureEventArgs |
The base class for all gesture events. Also used by Tap, DoubleTap and Hold.
C1GestureListener | ||
C1GestureService |
The C1GestureService class is the helper for getting and setting GestureListeners
on elements.
C1HeaderedItemsControl |
Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items which have header and content.
C1HierarchicalDataTemplate |
Represents a DataTemplate that supports C1HierarchicalPresenter, such as TreeViewItem.
C1HierarchicalPresenter |
Represents a control that contains multiple items and has a header.
C1ListBox |
List of items which can be used with heavy templates and preview template to scroll quickly.
C1ListBoxItem |
Visual element used inside a C1ListBox.
C1ListBoxPanel |
Virtualizing stack panel which supports preview templates in order to scroll quickly.
C1MultiTouchGestureEventArgs |
The base class for multi-touch gesture event args. Currently used only for
two-finger (pinch) operations.
C1PinchGestureEventArgs |
The event args used by the PinchDelta and PinchCompleted events.
C1PinchStartedGestureEventArgs |
The event args used by the PinchStarted event.
C1PromptBox |
Displays a message box to get user input.
C1PromptBoxContent |
Control that displays the content of a prompt box. It's meant to be used inside a C1Window.
C1PropertyPathHelper |
Provides helper methods to work with Expression and property paths.
C1RoutedEventArgs |
The base class for CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs and ExecutedRoutedEventArgs
Provides some additional properties comparing to the RoutedEventArgs class.
C1ScrollViewer |
Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Provides basic logic to handle item selection using different selection modes.
C1SlopedBorderAdjustConverter |
Converter used to adjust a path so that it renders its stroke inside and not to both side of its position.
C1StyleSelector |
Provides a way to apply styles based on custom logic.
C1TabControlAutomationPeer |
Exposes C1TabControl to UI automation
C1TabItemAutomationPeer |
Exposes C1TabItem to UI automation
C1TileListBox |
List of items displayed in columns determined by the size of the items.
C1TileListBoxPanel |
Virtualizing panel which render the items in columns depending on the size of the items.
C1TreeViewExpandButton |
C1TreeViewLine |
Vertical connecting line.
C1TreeViewLinePanel |
A Panel which contains the vertical lines.
C1ZoomUnitTypeConverter |
Converts a string to a C1ZoomUnit and vice versa.
CancelEventArgs |
Provides data for a cancelable event.
CancelSourceEventArgs |
Provides data for a cancelable event.
CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs |
Provides data for the CanExecute and
PreviewCanExecute routed events.
CharConverter |
Converts chars to strings.
ClearStyleExtensions |
Attached properties used to pass brushes to Microsoft controls.
Clipboard |
Provides access to the clipboard.
ColorConverter |
Converts between Colors and Brushes.
CommandBinding |
Binds an ICommand to the event handlers that implement the command.
CommandConverter |
Converts an ICommand object to and from other types.
CommandExtensions |
Provides attached properties emulating ICommandSource interface.
CommandManager |
Provides command related utility methods that register CommandBinding objects for class
owners and commands, add and remove command event handlers, and provides services
for querying the status of a command.
CustomConverter |
Converter which receive a function to convert the value
DockExtensions |
Provides exntesions methods for Dock.
ExecutedRoutedEventArgs |
Provides data for the Executed and
PreviewExecuted routed events.
Extensions |
Class that provides static extension methods for several other classes.
ItemPreparedEventArgs |
Contains event data for the item prepared/cleared event.
The event is associated to the PrepareContainerForItemOverride and ClearContainerForItemOverride
methods of classes derived from C1HierarchicalPresenter. PrepareContainerForItemOverride and
ClearContainerForItemOverride are invoked to prepare/clear a visual element to display the
specified data bound item.
KeyboardUtil |
Keyboard utilities.
LineDefinition |
Defines row or column specific properties that apply to C1LinePanel elements.
MaskedTextChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the MaskedTextChanged event.
MouseDragEventArgs |
Provides data for the MouseDragStart,
MouseDragMove, and
MouseDragEnd events.
MouseWheelEventArgs |
Provides data for the MouseWheel event.
OpacityConverter |
Converter used to convert Boolean values into opacity values.
true = 1, false = 0.
PopupUtil |
Utility methods for popups.
PositionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the PositionChanged event.
PrepareDropDownEventArgs |
Argument of the event fired before the drop-down box is opened.
PropertyChangedEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Provides event data for OnPropertyChanged events.
PropertyChangingEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Provides event data for OnPropertyChanging events.
SelectionChangedEventArgs<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
SmallShapePresenter |
Internal class.
Wrap a Shape object, such as a Path, with a SmallShapePresenter to prevent
the shape from taking all available space when MaxHeight/MaxWidth is less than infinity.
SourcedEventArgs |
Contains data for events with a source different from the object firing the event.
TextEditedEventArgs |
AutoComplete event details.
Trace |
Provides a set of methods and properties that help you trace the execution of your code.
This class cannot be inherited.
ValidateInputEventArgs |
Arguments for the event fired to validate the input.
VisibilityConverter |
Converter from/to Visibility and Boolean.
VTreeHelper |
The VTreeHelper class provides utility methods that perform common tasks involving nodes in a visual tree.
ZoomToScaleTransformConverter |
Converts a double value to a ScaleTransform.
Structure | Description | |
AnchorMatching |
Specifies an anchor matching between two elements.
C1HslColor |
Class that allows to increase/decrease lightness
of the specified color.
C1ZoomUnit |
Represent a zoom which can be expresed like a fixed value, or relative to the viewport.
Interface | Description | |
ICharRange |
Represents a character range within a string.
This is used by ISpellChecker to represent the
spelling mistakes found in text.
IOrderedSet<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Defines methods to manipulate ordered sets.
ISpellChecker |
Provides spell checking services.
Delegate | Description | |
C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..GetSelection |
Retrieves all the items that are comprised between the startItem and the endItem.
Used when making a consecutive selection.
C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..IsSelected |
Used to get the current state of an item (selected/unselected).
C1SelectionManager<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Select |
Used to set an item as selected/unselected.
CancelEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles a cancelable event.
CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the CanExecute event.
DragDropEventHandler |
Method used to handle drag drop events.
ExecutedRoutedEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the Executed and
PreviewExecuted events.
MaskedTextChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the MaskedTextChanged event.
Enumeration | Description | |
Anchor |
Specifies an anchor point in a visual element.
AutoScrollMode |
The ExpandMode enumeration is used in C1TreeView to specify the allowed number of expanded C1TreeViewItems.
AutoSizeMode |
Determines how the popup will be resized when the content changes its size.
BreakLine |
Specifies hard line breaks before and/or after elements in a C1WrapPanel.
BrushBuilderExtrapolationMethod |
Determines how the extrapolation of colors will be made.
C1ListBoxItemState |
State of a C1ListBoxItem.
C1MessageBoxButton |
Specifies the buttons that are displayed on a message box.
C1MessageBoxIcon |
Specifies the icon that is displayed by a message box.
C1SelectionMode |
Defines the selection behavior for a control which supports the SelectionMode
property like C1treeView.
C1TabItemCloseOptions |
Close button options for the C1TabControl
C1TabItemShape |
Supported shapes for the C1TabItem
C1TabPanelOverlapDirection |
Z-Index arrangement of the items in the C1TabPanel.
C1WindowState |
Specifies whether a window is minimized, maximized, or floating.
C1ZoomUnitType |
Represent the kind of zoom.
Condition |
Defines how to filter the items of combobox.
Dock |
Specifies how controls are sized and aligned within C1DockPanel controls.
DragDropEffect |
Specifies the action that will be performed when the user drops a drag source into a drop target element.
DropDownDirection |
Provides the supported expand directions for the C1ComboBox.
ExpandMode |
The ExpandMode enumeration is used in C1TreeView to specify the allowed number of expanded C1TreeViewItems.
MaskFormat |
Defines how to format the value inside of a C1MaskedTextBox.
PinMode |
Possible states of pin status for a C1TabItem.
RangeValidationMode |
Mode of validation of the range between Maximum and Minimum of C1NumericBox.
SelectOnFocusCondition |
Defines the possible conditions that cause selection of an entire control text when control receives focus.
UnselectedContentMode |
Determines how C1TabControl retains the content of C1TabItems never or no longer selected.
ValidationState |
Enumerates binding validation states.
ZoomMode |
Indicates the current mode for zoom behavior in the ScrollViewer content.