PDF for WPF and Silverlight supports most of the advanced features included in the PDF specification, including security, compression, outlining, hyperlinking, and attachments.
The following are some of the features of C1Pdf that you may find useful:
- Fast rendering and compression of images in Metafiles
Metafiles are not converted into bitmaps; they are parsed and converted into vector graphics commands and thus retain the best possible resolution. If you want to add charts or technical drawings to your PDF document, metafiles are better than bitmap images.
Familiar syntax using the DrawImage method
Adding images to PDF documents is easy; all the work is done by the DrawImage method. DrawImage draws a given image at a specified location and has parameters that provide control over the image alignment and scaling. You can render any regular .NET Image object, including metafiles.
- Manage document restrictions
Allow users to copy and edit content, restrict users from printing the document, and more.
- Add attachments to PDF files
Attachments can contain any kind of file, including spreadsheets with detailed information that would clutter the main document, multimedia files with movies and sound, sample code, and more. Adding an attachment to your PDF file is easy. Simply specify which file you want to attach, what area of the page should contain the attachment, and optionally, the appearance of the attachment.
- Owner and user password protection
If your PDF documents contain sensitive information, you can encrypt them so that only authorized users can access it. There is a separate password for the owner of the document and for all other users. The user's access can be selectively restricted to allow only certain operations, such as viewing, printing, or editing the document.
- Add graphical elements
Add lines, rectangles, ellipses, pies, arcs, rounded rectangles, polygons, Bezier curves, and more.
- Create an Outline structure
Most long PDF documents contain an outline structure that is displayed on a pane on the left of the reader. The outline makes it easy to browse through a document's structure and find specific topics. With PDF for WPF, you can build this outline structure by adding outline entries (bookmarks).
- Add hyperlinks and local links
PDF provides methods for adding hyperlinks and hyperlink targets to your PDF documents. You can also add local links, that when clicked take the user to another location within the same PDF document. This type of link is useful when you want to implement some type of cross-referencing within the document, such as a table of contents or an index.
- Control document information and viewer preferences
PDF allows you to add meta data to the PDF documents you create. Specify author, creation date, keywords, and so on. You can also provide default viewer preferences to be applied when the document is opened in the Adobe Reader. Specify the initial page layout, window position, as well as reader toolbar and menu visibility.
- Support for TrueType fonts
PDF for WPF and Silverlight now supports Acrobat Reader built-in fonts: Time, Helvetica, and Symbol. The C1PdfDocument class also supports embedded and non-embedded TrueType fonts.
- Support for PDF/A
PDF for WPF and Silverlight now supports PDF/A format, which is commonly used for creating invoices, brochures, manuals or research reports. PDF/A format easily exports JPEG2000 images, supports embedded fonts and has provisions for digital signatures as well. The control also comes with PDF/A compliance to support PDF annotations.