| Name | Description |
| ActualHeight | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| ActualWidth | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| AllowDrop | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Background | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| BorderBrush | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| BorderThickness | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| CacheMode | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| CharacterSpacing | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Clip | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Content | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl) |
| ContentTemplate | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl) |
| Cursor | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| DataContext | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| DesiredSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Dispatcher | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Effect | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| FlowDirection | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| FontFamily | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| FontSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| FontStretch | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| FontStyle | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| FontWeight | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Foreground | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Header | Gets or sets the value shown above the content when the item is selected. |
| HeaderTemplate | Gets or sets a DataTemplate to style the Header. |
| Height | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| HorizontalAlignment | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| HorizontalContentAlignment | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| IsEnabled | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| IsHitTestVisible | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| IsMouseOver | Returns true if the mouse is over the control. |
| IsSelected | Gets or sets whether the item is selected. |
| IsTabStop | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Language | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| LargeIcon | Gets or sets the object shown for the item when collapsed and to the left of the header when expanded. |
| LargeIconTemplate | Gets or sets a DataTemplate to style the LargeIcon. |
| Margin | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| MaxHeight | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| MaxWidth | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| MinHeight | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| MinWidth | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| MouseOverBrush | Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the control when it has the mouse over. |
| Name | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| Opacity | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| OpacityMask | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Padding | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Parent | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| Projection | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| RenderSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| RenderTransform | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| RenderTransformOrigin | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Resources | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| SelectedBackground | Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the control when it is selected. |
| SmallIcon | Gets or sets the object shown for the item in the overflow pane and menu. Since the object is placed in the visual tree twice, it cannot be a UIElement. Use SmallIconTemplate to create a Image element. |
| SmallIconTemplate | Gets or sets a DataTemplate to style the SmallIcon. |
| Style | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| TabIndex | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| TabNavigation | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Tag | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| Template | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Triggers | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| UseLayoutRounding | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| VerticalAlignment | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |
| VerticalContentAlignment | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) |
| Visibility | (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) |
| Width | (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) |