You can apply an existing style to a control on the artboard using the menu or using the Assets panel in Blend.
Using the menu
Complete the following steps:
1. In the Objects and Timeline panel, select the control.
2. On the Object menu, point to Edit Style, point to Apply Resource, and then select the style from the drop-down list that appears. The drop-down list will display only styles that are available to the selected control. For example, you cannot apply a text box style to a button.
Using the Assets panel to draw a styled control on the artboard
Complete the following steps:
1. Open the Assets panel by clicking the Assets (double chevron) icon in the Toolbar.
2. Do one of the following:
· If your style was created in the document in which you are working, click the Styles category.
· If your style was created in a resource dictionary, expand the Styles category, and then click the name of the dictionary.
· Select the style that you want, and then draw on the artboard.