This help file focuses on Silverlight Edition. For general help on getting started with Silverlight, we recommend the following resources:
The official Silverlight site, with many links to downloads, samples, tutorials, and more.
Silverlight tutorials by Jesse Liberty. Topics covered include:
- Tutorial 1: Silverlight User Interface Controls
- Tutorial 2: Data Binding
- Tutorial 3: Displaying SQL Database Data in a DataGrid using LINQ and WCF
- Tutorial 4: User Controls
- Tutorial 5: Styles, Templates and Visual State Manager
- Tutorial 6: Expression Blend for Developers
- Tutorial 7: DataBinding & DataTemplates Using Expression Blend
- Tutorial 8: Multi-page Applications
- Tutorial 9: ADO.NET DataEntities and WCF Feeding a Silverlight DataGrid
- Tutorial 10: Hyper-Video
Silverlight tutorials by Tim Heuer. Topics covered include:
- Part 1: Really getting started – the tools you need and getting your first Hello World
- Part 2: Defining UI Layout – understanding layout and using Blend to help
- Part 3: Accessing data – how to get data from where
- Part 4: Binding the data – once you get the data, how can you use it?
- Part 5: Integrating additional controls – using controls that aren’t a part of the core
- Part 6: Polishing the UI with styles and templates
- Part 7: Taking the application out-of-browser
Scott Guthrie's Silverlight Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and Links Page. A useful resource, this page links to several tutorials and samples.
An excellent eight-part tutorial by Scott Guthrie, covering the following topics:
- Part 1: Creating "Hello World" with Silverlight 2 and VS 2008
- Part 2: Using Layout Management
- Part 3: Using Networking to Retrieve Data and Populate a DataGrid
- Part 4: Using Style Elements to Better Encapsulate Look and Feel
- Part 5: Using the ListBox and DataBinding to Display List Data
- Part 6: Using User Controls to Implement Master/Details Scenarios
- Part 7: Using Templates to Customize Control Look and Feel
- Part 8: Creating a Digg Desktop Version of our Application using WPF
A practical discussion of skinning Silverlight controls and applications by Corrina Barber.