Barcode for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where "Incorrect Data Length" error message is shown in DataMatrix.
Chart for WinForms
- Added new overloads for the Chart.ShowProperties() method. The new overloads allow the specification of the properties dialog location and size and returns the final size and location. The new overloads are described as follows:
/// <summary>
/// Raises the chart properties dialog at runtime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// <para>Specifies a Rectangle reference that provides and returns the properties dialog location in screen coordinates.</para>
/// Specifying an empty rectangle will center the properties dialog relative to the chart parent window.
/// </param>
/// <returns>DialogResult</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>The properties dialog allows modification of the chart properties,
/// including data, at runtime. All available properties are displayed on multiple tabs.</para>
/// <para>The properties dialog will always be displayed with a minimum size.</para>
/// </remarks>
public DialogResult ShowProperties(ref Rectangle rect)
/// <summary>
/// Raises the customized chart properties dialog at runtime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ppf">Specifies PropertyPageFlags combinations that limit available properties.</param>
/// <param name="rect">
/// <para>Specifies a Rectangle reference that provides and returns the properties dialog location in screen coordinates.</para>
/// Specifying an empty rectangle will center the properties dialog relative to the chart parent window.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>The properties dialog allows modification of the chart properties, including data, at runtime.
/// All available properties are displayed on multiple tabs.</para>
/// <para>The properties dialog will always be displayed with a minimum size.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>DialogResult</returns>
public DialogResult ShowProperties(PropertyPageFlags ppf, ref Rectangle rect)
- Added a new overload for the Chart.ShowVisualEffectsEditor() method. The new overload allows the specification of the VisualEffects Editor dialog location and returns the size and final location. The new overload is described below.
/// <summary>
/// Raises the VisualEffects Editor dialog at runtime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// <para>Specifies a Rectangle reference that provides and returns the VisualEffects Editor location
/// in screen coordinates.</para>
/// Specifying an empty rectangle will place the editor on the edge of the chart it is editing.
/// Note that the editor is fixed in size.
/// </param>
/// <returns>DialogResult</returns>
public DialogResult ShowVisualEffectsEditor(ref Rectangle rect)
Chart3D for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Chart3D throws an exception in certain situations while restoring persisted values if non-default contour methods are selected.
- Added a new overload for the Chart.ShowProperties() method. The new overload allows the specification of the properties dialog location and size and returns the final size and location. The new overload is described below.
/// <summary>
/// Raises the properties dialog at runtime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// <para>Specifies a Rectangle reference that provides and returns the properties dialog location in screen coordinates.</para>
/// Specifying an empty rectangle will center the properties dialog relative to the chart parent window.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>The properties dialog will always be displayed with a minimum size.</remarks>
/// <returns>DialogResult</returns>
/// <seealso cref="C1.Win.C1Chart3D.C1Chart3D"/>
public DialogResult ShowProperties(ref Rectangle rect)
ADO.NET DataExtender
No change.
DataObjects for .NET
No change.
DataSource for Entity Framework
No change.
DynamicHelp for WinForms
No change.
Editor for WinForms
No change.
Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1Excel did not load/save correctly.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown while loading an excle file containing macro with .xlsx/.xls format.
- Fixed the issue where format is changed after load and save by C1Excel.
- Fixed the issue where hyperlink in the new generated excel by C1Excel do not work well, if sheet name contains a whitespace.
- Added support of OpenXMLMacro format (Open XML format with support VBA projects, *.xlsm extension).
Flash for .NET
No change.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Microsoft Visual Studio crashes when opening form design of existing projects during trial expired or license expired period.
- Fixed the issue where headers of C1FlexGrid were not localized at runtime when setting ColumnInfo property.
Some GDI objects of form with C1FlexGrid were not released when the Column property of Tree is set and the form is closed.
- Fixed the issue where LeaveCell event fired twice when selection range was changed during the event.
- Fixed the issue where ToolTip of cell was not displayed completely if WordWrap property set to True.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid was freezing if ToolTip is assigned to column header of C1FlexGrid in MouseMove event.
- Fixed the issue where Custom styles of C1FlexGrid were removed if theme containing visual style definition was applied to C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where BindingContextChanged event was fired more than once.
FlexPivot for WinForms
FlexReport for WinForms
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Duration value was not taken into account, With unchecked Start and Finish checkboxes and populated Duration in Task Information form.
- Updated Japanese datetme formats in list for timescale.
- Added Successors property for Task class.
- Added indicator for completed tasks.
- Added two properties (ChartStartDate and ChartFinishDate) bounding the scrolling area in chart view.
- By default these properties contain autmatic values depending on start and finish dates of tasks and project.
- User can assing separately ChartStartDate or ChartFinishDate to bound scrolling area manually from left or from right side, or both together.
- User also can assign nulls to reset dates to automatic values.
- User can now select multiple rows/columns and make changes in selected tasks simultaneously.
- User can now drag a task to other row.
- User can now split a task into parts. It was added to the following classes and Task's properies and methods:
/// Represents parts of splitted task.
public class Parts : IEnumerable<double>
/// Gets or sets the durations of task's parts.
public double this[int index]
/// Returns the count of parts.
public int Count
/// Represents dates (starts and finishes) of task's parts.
public class PartDates : IEnumerable<DateTime>
/// Get dates (starts and finishes) of parts.
public DateTime this[int index]
/// Returns the count of dates.
public int Count
public class Task : BaseTask, ICustomTypeDescriptor
/// Gets parts of the task.
public override Parts Parts
/// Splits the task.
public override bool SplitTask(DateTime start, double duration)
Gauges for WinForms
No change.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown when C1CheckBox uses theme.
- Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox does not display special character "<" in the DropDown list.
New Features
- Added C1ColorPicker.Color property, to set the current color of C1ColorPicker.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Added the MaxDropDownItems property to InputMenu element to specify the maximum number of items displayed in the drop-down list without scrolling.
- Added the GripHandleVisible property to InputMenu. The property gets or sets whether the drop-down can be resized.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where SystemException is thrown, when MultipleLine DataView is set, DataTable is bound to C1List and exporting to .xls by using ExportToExcel() method.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1NavBarPanels switched incorrectly when child control is not validated (post validation).
- Fixed the issue where the last tab page header is only partially visible when calling ScrollToSelectedTab method in C1DockingTab.
- Fixed the issue where text editing area is shown incorrectly when it is shown on the left of tab page header.
- Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab incorrectly draws C1DockingTabPage when Alignment is 'Left' or 'Right', RightToLeftLayout=True and RightToLeft=Yes.
- Fixed the issue where ToolBar incorrectly draws wrapped CommandLinks when property RightToLeft of C1CommandDock is set to 'Yes'.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where C1NavBarSectionHeader is not updated when NavBar visibility is false and a new C1NavBarPanel object is selected at runtime.
- [C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where icon images from C1ToolBar are not shown in it's boundary after setting ToolBarStyle=DropDownMenu and RightToLeft=Yes.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where NavBar incorrectly draws highlighted button after change selected button in runtime.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab incorrectly draws long selected tab header when VisualStyle=Office2007, Alignment=Left, TextDirection=VerticalLeft.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where C1DockingTab incorrectly showed EditTextBox when Alignment=Right and Text=empty.
- [C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where C1ToolBar's cursor is still displayed as a wait cursor although the cursor is set back to default.
- [C1NavBar] Fixed the issue where NavBar is displayed incorrectly when CollapseDirection=ToTop, RightToLeft=True and NavBar is collapsed.
- [C1ToolBar] Fixed the issue where some controls were not initialized correctly when the customize toolbars dialog is loaded.
- [C1OutBar] Fixed the issue where Scroll buttons were not moved to left side when setting 'RighttoLeft=Yes' at runtime.
- Fixed the issue where RestoreLayout method of C1DockingTab does not load the saved layout properly.
- Fixed the issue where RestoreLayout method of C1DockingTab does not load the saved layout properly.
New Features
- [C1ToolBar/C1MainMenu/C1ContextMenu] Add a new property HideFirstDelimiter. It hides the delimiter for the first visible C1CommandLink even the Delimiter property of the C1CommandLink is True.
- [C1NavBar] Added a new method GetCollapsedSize, which returns the Size of the control in the collapsed state.
- Provided keyboard support in C1TopicBar.
Added support for hiding the 'Customize..' option in the 'Add or Remove Buttons' menu.
- Added new property C1CommandHolder.SkipDisabledMenuItems. It gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to the CommandLink using keys when the Command is disabled.
- Added new property C1TopicBar.LinkStyle, for setting the style of links on pages.
- [C1DockingTab] Resolved the issue with handled FileNotFoundException at SaveLayout.
OLAP for WinForms
PDF for .NET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect drawing of transparent pictures for FlexReport (PdfImage.cs).
- Fixed positioning problem for not PDF/A compatible documents (PdfDocument.cs, PdfLink.cs).
- Provided support for bookmarks and links for FlexReport.
- Added new AddBookmark method with three overloads.(bookmark to named target) and isOpen (expand bookmark at opening) parameters.
- Added support for PDF/A.
- Added ConformanceLevel property ConformanceLevel (PdfAConformanceLevel enum). Presently 2B conformation level is supported.
- Added SetClipRect and ResetClipRect methods, which set and reset a rectangle clipping.
Report for WinForms
No change
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed theme templates for C1Ribbon to reflect Font changes in BaseThemeProperties.
- Fixed the issue where C1RibbonForm caption and border blinked when opening a dropdown on C1Ribbon, such as the Application Menu (fixed for the Custom VisualStyle and for DisableGlassEffects mode of C1RibbonForm).
- Fixed the issue where ContextMenu is not shown when the right mouse button is clicked on a Button placed in the ConfigToolBar.
- Fixed the issue where NullReference Exception is thrown after closing C1RibbonForm which contains C1FlexViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the Close button of C1RibbonForm was not disabled when setting CS_NOCLOSE flag in the window class style.
- Fixed the issue where, unlike MS Office, Key Tips of RibbonItems disappear while holding down 'Alt' key and pressing key tip key to enter tab and then releasing 'Alt' key.
- Resolved a few small issues with 168 DPI in a DPI-aware application running on Windows 10.
- Fixed the issue where TitleBar is not rendered properly on Windows 7 if the C1RibbonForm is started in maximized state.
- Fixed the issue where rectangular boundary appears when the C1Ribbonform is restored after minimizing.
- Added the CaptureAltKeyInTerminalSession boolean runtime-only property to C1Ribbon. It allows to display KeyTips with Alt key in a terminal session ignoring the possible issues.
- Added the HideAppMenuWithTHR boolean property (runtime only) to address the compatibility issues when (in some old builds) the AppMenu button did not appear (but remained visible logically) while the tab header row is hidden.
- Added the LauncherEnabled boolean property to RibbonGroup. It sets whether the dialog launcher button is enabled (True by default).
- The size of the Collection Editor forms won't reset to the default size anymore (until closing the Visual Studio).
Scheduler for WinForms
- System VisualStyle has been updated for more modern appearance.
Sizer for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1OutPages disappeared after resizing the Form with C1SizerLight.
SpellChecker for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where some Catalan words are marked as error, even if they appear in Custom.
- Dictionary is created for Catalan language using C1DictionaryEditor.
SplitContainer for WinForms
No change.
SSRSDocumentSource for WinForms
Breaking Changes
- All OpenXXX methods have been removed:
-- public void Open(C1DocumentLocation documentLocation);
-- public IAsyncActionWithProgress<double> OpenAsyncEx(C1DocumentLocation documentLocation);
-- public IAsyncActionWithProgress<double> OpenAsyncEx();
-- public void Open();
-- public Task OpenAsync();
-- public Task OpenAsync(C1DocumentLocation documentLocation);
Now C1SSRSDocumentSource.Generate() can be used immediately after defining all necessary properties like DocumentLocation, ConnectionOptions etc.
- All GenerateXXX methods are now accessible only in C1SSRSDocumentSource, in C1DocumentSource they are internal:
-- public void Generate();
-- public IAsyncActionWithProgress<double> GenerateAsyncEx();
-- public Task GenerateAsync();
- All ApplyParameterValuesXXX and CheckParameterValuesXXX methods have been removed:
-- public List<ParameterValueError> ApplyParameterValues();
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<List<ParameterValueError>, double> ApplyParameterValuesAsyncEx();
-- public Task<List<ParameterValueError>> ApplyParameterValuesAsync();
-- public List<ParameterValueError> CheckParameterValues();
-- public Task<List<ParameterValueError>> CheckParameterValuesAsync();
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<List<ParameterValueError>, double> CheckParameterValuesAsyncEx();
Use C1SSRSDocumentSource.ValidateParameters(...) instead. The values of parameters are applied automatically before generating.
- Methods ExecuteCustomActionXXX, GetPageXXX and GetBookmarkPositionXXX() are now internal and inaccessible:
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1BookmarkPosition, double> ExecuteCustomActionAsyncEx(CustomAction action);
-- public Task<C1BookmarkPosition> ExecuteCustomActionAsync(CustomAction action);
-- public C1Page GetPage(int pageIndex);
-- public Task<C1Page> GetPageAsync(int pageIndex);
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1Page, double> GetPageAsyncEx(int pageIndex);
-- public virtual C1Page GetLoadedPage(int pageIndex);
-- public bool IsPageLoading(int pageIndex);
-- public C1BookmarkPosition GetBookmarkPosition(string bookmark);
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1BookmarkPosition, double> GetBookmarkPositionAsyncEx(string bookmark);
-- public Task<C1BookmarkPosition> GetBookmarkPositionAsync(string bookmark);
- All functionality related to text searching was moved to the C1FlexViewer, following methods and properties have been removed:
-- public C1FoundPosition FindTextStart(int startPageIndex, bool wholeDocument, C1FindTextParams findParams);
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1FoundPosition, double> FindTextStartAsyncEx(int startPageIndex, bool wholeDocument, C1FindTextParams findParams);
-- public Task<C1FoundPosition> FindTextStartAsync(int startPageIndex, bool wholeDocument, C1FindTextParams findParams);
-- public C1FoundPosition FindTextNext(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1FoundPosition, double> FindTextNextAsyncEx(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public Task<C1FoundPosition> FindTextNextAsync(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public C1FoundPosition FindTextPrevious(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<C1FoundPosition, double> FindTextPreviousAsyncEx(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public Task<C1FoundPosition> FindTextPreviousAsync(C1FoundPosition foundPosition);
-- public void FindTextReset();
-- public C1HighlightAttrs FindMatchHighlight { get; set; }
-- public C1HighlightAttrs ActiveFindMatchHighlight { get; set; }
-- public IList<C1FoundPosition> FoundPositions { get; }
-- public C1FoundPosition ActiveFoundPosition { get; set; }
- The following properties have been removed (text selection functionality has been moved to viewers):
-- public C1DocumentRange SelectedRange { get; set; }
-- public C1HighlightAttrs SelectionHighlight { get; set; }
- The property
-- C1DocumentSourceState C1DocumentSource.State { get; set; }
and enum C1DocumentSourceState have been removed. C1DocumentSource.BusyState should be used instead:
-- public C1DocumentSourceBusyState BusyState { get; }
// Summary:
// Describes the busy state of a C1DocumentSource object.
public enum C1DocumentSourceBusyState
// Summary:
// The document is ready (not busy).
// Summary:
// The document is currently generating.
// Summary:
// The document is currently exporting.
// Summary:
// The document is currently printing.
The following properties can be used to determine the current state of the C1DocumentSource:
// Summary:
// Gets the value indicating whether the current C1DocumentSource busy.
public bool IsBusy { get; }
// Summary:
// Gets a value indicating whether this C1DocumentSource is disposed and can not be longer used.
public bool IsDisposed { get; }
- The following events were removed:
-- event EventHandler<ExecuteCustomActionCompletedEventArgs> ExecuteCustomActionCompleted;
-- event EventHandler<GetPageCompletedEventArgs> GetPageCompleted;
-- event EventHandler<GetLinkTargetPositionCompletedEventArgs> GetLinkTargetPositionCompleted;
-- event EventHandler PagesClear;
- The following events were moved to C1SSRSDocumentSource:
-- event EventHandler<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> GenerateCompleted;
-- event EventHandler<ValidateParametersCompletedEventArgs> ValidateParametersCompleted;
-- event EventHandler<ExportCompletedEventArgs> ExportCompleted;
- The following methods are accessible only from C1SSRSDocumentSource():
-- public void Clear();
-- public void Cancel();
- Methods ValidateParameterXXX were added to replace ApplyParameterValues and CheckParameterValues:
-- public List<ParameterValidationError> ValidateParameters();
Async variants:
-- public new IAsyncOperationWithProgress<List<ParameterValidationError>, double> ValidateParametersAsyncEx();
-- public Task<List<ParameterValidationError>> ValidateParametersAsync();
These methods validate the current parameter values and refresh their valid values lists if the values are valid.
Note that parameter values are now applied automatically when a report generation starts.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
No change.
ThemesDesigner App for WinForms
- Added pressed style for C1TopicLink.
TileControl for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where exception occurs when C1TileControl is used in multi-threaded environment.
TouchToolkit for WinForms
No change.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where merged data disappears when the merged column of a bound C1TrueDBGrid is selected and 'Rebind' method is called.
- Fixed the issue where string value is reversed when the string contains dash (-) and is inserted in a datatable and the displayed in grid when grid is displayed in RTL mode culture on the machine is set to an Arabic language.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect behavior is observed when custom editor is used in C1TrueDBGrid.
- Fixed the issue where strange behavior is observed while using C1TrueDBGrid in Hierarchical mode.
- Fixed the issue where inappropriate behavior of C1TrueDBGrid is observed in Hierarchical mode.
- Fixed the issue where the cursor moves to the end of sentence when user inputs and deletes the characters to a cell, with setting MarqueeStyle as FloatingEditor.
- Fixed the issue where the cursor moves to the end of sentence when one inputs and deletes the characters to a cell, on setting MarqueeStyle as FloatingEditor.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect behavior is observed when custom editor is used in C1TrueDBGrid.
- Fixed the issue where AfterColUpdate event is not raised when the cell is edited and cursor cell is changed using mouse.
- Fixed the issue where 'Cannot interpret token ']' at position'error occurs when Decimal column is filtered using FilterBar.
- Fixed the issue where same value is shown for all rows on hierarchical C1TrueDBGrid on sorting the column in descending order and refreshing the grid.
- Fixed the issue where parent rows are displayed in hierarchical C1TrueDBGrid when filter dropdown list is opened after unchecking the 'SelectAll' checkbox in it.
- Improved the performance of assigning new data in unbound mode when using Frame.AddRows(count) method.
Other changes
- Changed the target Framework for .Net 4 build to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile.
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms
- Added the methods- AddShortcutToStartMenu, RemoveShortcutFromStartMenu, and ShortcutExistsInStartMenu to C1TaskbarButton class.
- Added the method overloads to C1TaskbarButton for registering/unregistering the file associations in HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Zip for .NET
No change.