The C1Accordion type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccessKey
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
Public property AccordionElement
Gets main top level Accordion's DOM element.
Public property AnimationDuration
Animation duration in milliseconds.


Default value is 500 milliseconds.
Public property AnimationEasing
Specifies the transition for animation.
Public property AutoPostBack
Gets a value that indicates whether or not the control posts back to the server each time a user interacts with the control.
Public property AutoSize
Determines how the growth of the Accordion will be controlled.


Default value is None. If it is set to None, then the Accordion can grow as large or as small as necessary. If it is set to Fill then it will always be equal to its height (or width for horizontal orientation).
Public property CollapseEasing
Specifies the transition for collapse animation.
Public property Enabled
Public property ExpandDirection
Accordion expand direction.
Public property ExpandEasing
Specifies the transition for expand animation.
Public property FirstVisiblePane
Gets the first visible pane.
Public property FlowRight
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not children will flow to the right side of the control.
Public property Height
Gets or sets the C1Accordion control height.
Public property LastVisiblePane
Gets the last visible pane.
Public property OnClientSelectedPaneChanged
Handler name of the client SelectedPaneChanged event.
Public property OutlookUIMenuID
Gets or sets the OutlookUIMenu client id.
Public property Panes
Gets the collection of child C1AccordionPane objects in the C1Accordion control.
Public property PropertiesState
Gets the control's view state.
Public property RequireOpenedPane
Determines whether clicking the header will close the currently opened pane (leaving all the C1Accordion's panes closed).


Default value is True.
Public property ScrollBehavior
Gets associated ScrollBehavior.
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the C1AccordionPane to be displayed.
Public property SelectedPanel
Gets selected C1AccordionPane if any.
Public property SuppressHeaderPostbacks
Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not we suppress the client-side click handlers of any elements in the header sections.


Default value is False.
Public property VisualStyle
Gets or sets the visual style name used by the control.
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the C1Accordion control.

See Also