ComponentOne Accordion for ASP.NET AJAX: C1Accordion Design-Time Support > Accordion Designer Form > Exploring the Accordion Designer Form

Exploring the Accordion Designer Form

The Accordion Designer Form contains a menu, toolbar, Edit tab, Preview tab, and properties pane.



      Accordion Designer Form Menu

The Accordion Designer Form menu contains the following menu items and subitems:


Menu Item

Submenu Item



Load from XML

Load the formatting for a C1Accordion control from an .xml file.

Save as XML

Save the current formatting of the C1Accordion control to an .xml file.


Closes the Accordion Designer Form.


Insert Item

Inserts a new C1AccordionPane at the specified place in the list of panes.

Add Child

Adds a new C1Accordion pane as a child of the C1Accordion.


Cuts the selected C1AccordionPane to be moved in the list of panes.


Copies the selected C1AccordionPane.


Pastes a C1AccordionPane at the specified location in the list of panes.


Removes the selected C1AccordionPane.


Allows you to change the name of the C1AccordionPane.


      Accordion Designer Form Toolbar


The table below describes each button in the toolbar:





Move Item Up

Moves the selected C1AccordionPane up the list of panes.

Move Item Down

Moves the selected C1AccordionPane down the list panes.

Move Item Left

Moves the selected C1AccordionPane to the left in the hierarchy.

Move Item Right

Moves the selected C1AccordionPane to the right in the hierarchy.

Add Child Item

Inserts a C1AccordionPane as a child of the C1Accordion control.

Insert Item

Inserts a C1AccordionPane at the specified location in the list of panes.


Cuts the selected C1AccordionPane to be moved in the list of panes.


Copies the selected C1AccordionPane.


Pastes a C1AccordionPane at the specified location in the list of panes.


Removes the selected C1AccordionPane.


      Edit Tab

Click the Edit tab and select the C1Accordion control or the desired C1AccordionPane for which you would like to manipulate or adjust the properties.

      Preview Tab

Click the Preview tab for a preview of what the C1Accordion control will look like.

      Properties Pane

The Accordion Designer Form properties pane is almost identical to the Visual Studio Properties window. Simply select a C1AccordionPane or the C1Accordion control and set the desired properties here.

      Command Buttons

The command buttons are summarized in the following table:





Clicking OK applies the new settings to the C1Accordion control.


Clicking Cancel closes the Accordion Designer Form, cancelling the new settings and applying the default settings to the C1Accordion control.

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