Inner and Outer Previous and Next Navigation
C1Calendar provides additional navigation buttons compared to the standard ASP.NET Web Server Calendar controls. There are inner previous and next navigation buttons and outer previous and next navigation buttons to use when navigating the calendar months. You can specify a different navigation for the inner and outer navigation buttons.
Inner Navigation Buttons
The inner navigation buttons represent the single arrow previous and next buttons.
You can determine how you want to navigate each month of the calendar. If you would like to minimize the clicking on the previous and next navigation buttons you can increase the NavigationStep property to a greater integer value. The default is set to 1 which means that clicking the previous or next navigation button navigates to one month at a time.
Outer Navigation Buttons
The outer navigation buttons represent the double arrow previous and next buttons.
The QuickNavigationStep property applies to the outer navigation buttons. The default value for this property is set to 3 which means that clicking the previous or next navigation button navigates every three calendar months.