Axis Annotation Format
You can control the annotation formatting for the values on the X or Y axis using the AnnoFormat property.
Setting the AnnoFormat property to a .NET Framework composite format string will format the data entered into the property. For more information on the standard numeric format strings that you can use for the Axis.AnnoFormat property see Standard Numeric Format Strings. For more information on the
DateTime Format Strings
The DateTime format strings are divided into two categories:
•Standard Date Time Format Strings
•Custom Date Time Format Strings
Numeric Format Strings
•Standard Numeric Format Strings
•Custom Numeric Format Strings
Custom Numeric Format Strings
You can also customize your format strings by using the custom numeric format strings.
To use the AnnoFormat property simply specifiy a standard or custom format string for it. For example the following Bar chart’s AnnoFormat property is set to “c” to change the whole values to currency format.
<c1chart:Axis Min="0" AnnoFormat="c" AutoMin="false" AutoMax="false" Max="200" />
// Financial formatting
c1Chart1.View.AxisX.AnnoFormat = "c";
c1Chart1.View.AxisX.Min = 0;