Creating a Gantt Chart

To create a Gantt chart, use the following XAML code:


<c1chart:C1Chart Margin="0" Name="c1Chart1"
    <x:Array x:Key="start" Type="sys:DateTime" >
    <x:Array x:Key="end" Type="sys:DateTime">
        <c1chart:Renderer2D Inverted="True" ColorScheme="Point"/>
      <c1chart:ChartData.ItemNames>Task1 Task2 Task3</c1chart:ChartData.ItemNames>
      <c1chart:HighLowSeries HighValuesSource="{StaticResource end}"
                        LowValuesSource="{StaticResource start}"/>
        <c1chart:Axis IsTime="True" AnnoFormat="d"/>


Run your project and the data in the XAML code produces the following Gantt chart in your Window:


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