This enumeration specifies color themes used to generate colors for data series. Named color themes other than Custom are similar to those in Microsoft Office.

Namespace:  C1.Silverlight.Chart
Assembly:  C1.Silverlight.Chart (in C1.Silverlight.Chart.dll)


public enum Palette
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration Palette


Member nameDescription
Default Specifies the Default color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Standard Specifies the Standard color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Office Specifies the Office color theme used in the Chart's data series.
GrayScale Specifies the GrayScale color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Apex Specifies the Apex color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Aspect Specifies the Aspect color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Civic Specifies the Civic color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Concourse Specifies the Concourse color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Equity Specifies the Equity color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Flow Specifies the Flow color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Foundry Specifies the Foundry color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Median Specifies the Median color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Metro Specifies the Metro color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Module Specifies the Module color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Opulent Specifies the Opulent color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Oriel Specifies the Oriel color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Origin Specifies the Origin color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Paper Specifies the Paper color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Solstice Specifies the Solstice color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Technic Specifies the Technic color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Trek Specifies the Trek color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Urban Specifies the Urban color theme used in the Chart's data series.
Verve Specifies the Verve color theme used in the Chart's data series.

See Also