The following are some of the main features of RichTextBox for LightSwitch that you may find useful:
Edit and format text containing multiple fonts, decorations, colors, tables, images, lists, and more.
The C1RichTextBox toolbar actions include: Font Family, Font Size, Grow Font, Shrink Font, Bold, Italic, Underline, Change Case, Subscript, Superscript, Text Color, Text Highlight Color, Align Left, Align Center, Align Right, Justify, Bullets, Numbering, Text Wrapping, Border Thickness, Border Color, Paragraph Color, Margin, Padding, Insert Image, Insert Symbol, Insert Hyperlink, Remove Hyperlink, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Find and Replace, and Spell Check.
Specify a dictionary at design time, and spelling mistakes are highlighted with a wavy, red underline at run time. End-users may right-click a mistake in the document to see a menu with options to ignore, add to dictionary, or pick a suggestion to correct the mistake automatically. The full toolbar also includes a Spelling button that opens a dialog box for working through each spelling error or making changes all at once.
Edit data in the RichTextBox with confidence. You have the ability to easily undo and redo your changes with the click of a button.
C1RichTextBox fully supports the clipboard.
RichTextBox's rich document object model (DOM) supports images, lists, hyperlinks, borders, background and foreground colors for text ranges, and more.
RichTextBox allows instantaneous editing and really fast document loading.