Quick Start > Step 2 of 3: Customize the Dialog Window |
In this step you'll change the appearance and behavior of the dialog window you created in the last step. Complete the following steps to customize your Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms dialog window:
To write code in Source View
<cc1:C1Dialog ID="C1Dialog1" runat="server" Height="200px" Title="C1Dialog says...">
<Pin IconClassOn="ui-icon-pin-w" IconClassOff="ui-icon-pin-s"></Pin>
<Refresh IconClassOn="ui-icon-refresh"></Refresh>
<Minimize IconClassOn="ui-icon-minus"></Minimize>
<Maximize IconClassOn="ui-icon-extlink"></Maximize>
<Close IconClassOn="ui-icon-close"></Close>
Hello World!
You've completed step two of the Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms quick start guide. In the next step you'll run the project.