| Name | Description |
| BackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the text. |
| BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image of the text. |
| BackgroundPositionX | Gets or sets the the x-coordinate of the background position of the text. |
| BackgroundPositionY | Gets or sets the the y-coordinate of the background position of the text. |
| BackgroundRepeat | Gets or sets how the background picture is repeated. |
| Bold | True if the text is formatted as bold; otherwise, False. |
| BorderBottomColor | Gets or sets the bottom border color of text. |
| BorderBottomStyle | Gets or sets the bottom border style of text. |
| BorderBottomWidth | Gets or sets the bottom border width of text. |
| BorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of text. |
| BorderLeftColor | Gets or sets the left border color of text. |
| BorderLeftStyle | Gets or sets the left border style of text. |
| BorderLeftWidth | Gets or sets the left border width of text. |
| BorderRightColor | Gets or sets the right border color of text. |
| BorderRightStyle | Gets or sets the right border style of text. |
| BorderRightWidth | Gets or sets the right border width of text. |
| BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style of text. |
| BorderTopColor | Gets or sets the top border color of text. |
| BorderTopStyle | Gets or sets the top border style of text. |
| BorderTopWidth | Gets or sets the top border width of text. |
| BorderWidth | Gets or sets the border width of text. |
| Bottom | Gets or sets the text bottom position. |
| FontName | Gets or sets the font name used in the text. |
| FontSize | Gets or sets a string value that indicates the font size used in the text. |
| ForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of the text. |
| Height | Gets or sets the text height. |
| Hidden | True if this text is hidden; otherwise, False. |
| Italic | True if the text is formatted as italic; otherwise, False. |
| Left | Gets or sets the text left position. |
| LetterSpacing | Gets or sets the letter spacing of the text. |
| LineHeight | Gets or sets the line height of paragraph. |
| Margin | Gets or sets the margin of text. |
| MarginBottom | Gets or sets the bottom margin of text. |
| MarginLeft | Gets or sets the left margin of text. |
| MarginRight | Gets or sets the right margin of text. |
| MarginTop | Gets or sets the top margin of text. |
| Overline | True if the text is overlined; otherwise, False. |
| Padding | Gets or sets the padding of text. |
| PaddingBottom | Gets or sets the bottom padding of text. |
| PaddingLeft | Gets or sets the left padding of text. |
| PaddingRight | Gets or sets the right padding of text. |
| PaddingTop | Gets or sets the top padding of text. |
| Position | Gets or sets the text position. |
| Right | Gets or sets the text right position. |
| Strikeout | True if the text is stricken through; otherwise, False. |
| TextAlign | Gets or sets the text align. |
| TextIndent | Gets or sets the text indent of paragraph. |
| TextTransform | Gets or sets the text transform of the text. |
| Top | Gets or sets the text top position. |
| Underline | True if the text is underlined; otherwise, False. |
| Width | Gets or sets the text width. |
| WordSpacing | Gets or sets the word spacing of paragraph. |
| ZIndex | Gets or sets x-index of the text. |