
  Class Description
Public class AfterCellEditEventArgs
Contains event data for the AfterCellEdit event of the C1GridView control.
Public class AfterCellEditEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the AfterCellEdit event of the C1GridView control.
Public class AfterCellUpdateEventArgs
Contains event data for the AfterCellUpdate event of the C1GridView control.
Public class AfterCellUpdateEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the AfterCellUpdate event of the C1GridView control.
Public class BeforeCellEditEventArgs
Contains event data for the BeforeCellEdit event of the C1GridView control.
Public class BeforeCellEditEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the BeforeCellEdit event of the C1GridView control.
Public class BeforeCellUpdateEventArgs
Contains event data for the BeforeCellUpdate event of the C1GridView control.
Public class BeforeCellUpdateEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the BeforeCellUpdate event of the C1GridView control.
Public class C1Band
Contain that allows organizing C1BaseField instances into hierarchical structure. Used to create multilevel column headers.
Public class C1BaseField
This is the base class for bands and all fields.
Public class C1BaseFieldCollection
A C1BaseField object collection.
Public class C1BoundField
A C1BoundField is bound to a field in a data source. Inherits from C1Field.
Public class C1CheckBoxField
Represents a Boolean column that is displayed as a check box in a C1GridView control. Inherits from C1BoundField.
Public class C1Field
This is the base class for all columns.
Public class C1GridView
Represents the client side object for C1GridView control.
Public class C1GridViewPagerSettings
Represents the paging settings of a C1GridView control.
Public class C1GridViewRowsAccessor
Class for convenient access to rows of a C1GridView control.
Public class C1GridViewScrollMode
Specifies the scroll mode.
Public class C1GridViewScrollSettings
Represents the scrolling settings of a C1GridView control.
Public class C1GridViewSelection
Class that represents selection in the C1GridView.
Public class C1GridViewSelectionMode
Specifies client-side selection behaviour of the C1GridView.
Public class C1RowHeaderField
Class that represents the row header column in a C1GridView control.
Public class CallbackMode
Infrastructure. Specifies the behaviour of callback action.
Public class CallbackOptions
Use the members of this enumeration to determine the actions that can be performed by the C1GridView control using callbacks.
Public class CellAutosizingMode
Specifies the mode of cell sizes calculation when scrolling is enabled.
Public class CellCallback
Represents the delegate that will be used by the IterateCells(array<TableRowElement>[]()[][], CellCallback, Object) method.
Public class CellInfo
Class that represents a single cell.
Public class CellInfoOrderedCollection
Ordered read-only collection of a CellInfo objects.
Public class CellRange
Specifies a range of cells determined by two cells.
Public class ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs
Contains event data for the ColumnWidthChanged event of the C1GridView control.
Public class ColumnWidthChangedEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the ColumnWidthChanged event of the C1GridView control.
Public class ContentElement
Basic class for objects that supports JSON serialization.
Public class ContentElementCollection
A ContentElement object collection.
Public class CurrencyChangingEventArgs
Contains event data for the CurrencyChanging event of the C1GridView control.
Public class CurrencyChangingEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the CurrencyChanging event of the C1GridView control.
Public class DnDInsertPos
Infrastructure. Determines position at which insertion image will be displayed relative to element.
Public class EditState
Determines the state of C1GridView in client-side editing mode.
Public class ElementPosition
Specifies the position of the element.
Public class FilterOperator
The FilterOperator enumerator.
Public class FilterSettings
Represents filter settings of a C1GridView control.
Public class Group
Represents single group of the column.
Public class GroupInfo
GroupInfo is used to get information about the appearance and position of groups.
Public class GroupPosition
Use the members of this enumeration to determine the value of the Position property in the GroupInfo class.
Public class OutlineMode
Use the members of this enumeration to determine the value of the OutlineMode property in the GroupInfo class.
Public class PagerPosition
Specifies the position of the pager.
Public class ResizeSettings
Represents resizing settings of a C1GridView control.
Public class SelectedColumnsAccessor
Provides access to columns which cells are selected.
Public class SelectedRowsAccessor
Provides access to rows which cells are selected.
Public class SelectionChangedEventArgs
Contains event data for the SelectionChanged event of the C1GridView control.
Public class SelectionChangedEventHandler
Delegate type for handling the SelectionChanged event of the C1GridView control.
Public class TableCaptionAlign
Specifies the horizontal or vertical placement of the text in the HTML caption element.
Public class TabNavigation
Specifies the tab navigation behaviour.
Public class TraverseCallback
Represents the delegate that will be used by the Traverse(TraverseCallback, Object) method.
Public class UpdateMode
Infrastructure. Specifies client-side editing behaviour of the C1GridView when current row is changed in client editing mode.


  Interface Description
Public interface IDnDSupport
Infrastructure. Represents a object that provides drag-n-drop support.
Public interface IOwnerable
Infrastructure. Represents a object that can be owned.
Public interface IResizerSupport
Infrastructure. Represents a object that provides resizing support.