Determines whether the C1GridView control should insert group header and/or group footer rows for this column.

Namespace:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView
Assembly:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.2 (in C1.Web.UI.Controls.2.dll)


[JsonAttribute(true, true, GroupPosition.None)]
public GroupPosition Position { get; set; }
Visual Basic
<JsonAttribute(True, True, GroupPosition.None)> _
<DefaultValueAttribute(GroupPosition.None)> _
Public Property Position As GroupPosition

Field Value

One of the GroupPosition values. The default value is None.


Set value to None to disable grouping for the column. Set to Header, Footer or HeaderAndFooter to create groups and define the position of the group rows.

To group by a column, remember to sort the data on the column. The grid inserts group header and footer rows whenever the value being grouped on changes. If you don't sort the data, there will be a lot of group header and footer rows.

See Also