The C1GridView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowClientEditing
Gets or sets a value that determines whether client editing is enabled.
Public property AllowColMoving
Gets or sets a value that determines whether columns can be moved on the client.
Public property AllowColSizing
Gets or sets a value that determines whether columns can be sized on the client.
Public property AllowCustomPaging
Gets or sets a value that determines whether custom paging is enabled.
Public property AllowGrouping
Gets or sets a value that determines whether grouping is enabled.
Public property AllowKeyboardNavigation
Gets or sets a value that determines whether keyboard navigation is enabled.
Public property AllowPaging
Gets or sets a value that determines whether paging is enabled.
Public property AllowRowHover
Public property AllowSorting
Gets or sets a value that determines whether sorting is enabled.
Public property AlternatingRowStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of alternating data rows in a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateColumns
Gets or sets a value that determines whether C1BoundField objects are generated and displayed automatically.
Public property AutoGenerateDeleteButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1CommandField field column with a Delete button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateEditButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1CommandField field column with an Edit button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateFilterButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1CommandField field column with an Filter button for the filter row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateSelectButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1CommandField field column with an Select button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property BackImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL for the background image of the C1GridView component.
Public property BottomPagerRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the bottom pager row in a C1GridView control.
Public property CallbackOptions
Determines the actions that can be performed by the C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView using callbacks mechanism.
Public property Caption
Gets or sets the text to render in an HTML caption element in a C1GridView control. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property CaptionAlign
Gets or sets the horizontal or vertical position of the HTML caption element in a C1GridView control. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property CellAutosizingMode
Gets or sets value determining the mode of cell sizes calculation when scrolling is enabled.
Public property CellPadding
Gets or sets the cell padding of the rendered table.
Public property CellSpacing
Gets or sets the cell padding of the rendered table.
Public property ClientOnAfterCellEdit
Get or sets the method to be called after cell editing is completed.
Public property ClientOnAfterCellUpdate
Get or sets the method to be called after cell is updated.
Public property ClientOnBeforeCellEdit
Get or sets the method to be called before a cell enters edit mode.
Public property ClientOnBeforeCellUpdate
Get or sets the method to be called before cell is updated.
Public property ClientOnColumnWidthChanged
Gets or sets the method to be called after column width is changed.
Public property ClientOnCurrencyChanged
Get or sets the method to be called after currency is changed.
Public property ClientOnCurrencyChanging
Get or sets the method to be called before currency is change.
Public property ClientOnSelectionChanged
Gets or sets the method to be called after selection is changed.
Public property Columns
Gets a collection of objects representing the columns of the C1GridView control.
Public property DataKeyNames
Gets or sets an array that contains the names of the primary key fields for the items displayed in a C1GridView control.
Public property DataKeys
Gets a collection of DataKey objects that represent the data key value of each row in a C1GridView control.
Public property DefaultColumnWidth
Gets or sets the width for columns in scrollable grid where no width has been specified.
Public property DefaultRowHeight
Gets or sets the height for rows in scrollable grid.
Public property EditIndex
Gets or sets the index of the item to be edited.
Public property EditRowStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the row selected for editing in a C1GridView control.
Public property EmbeddedVisualStyles
Returns string array with embedded Visual Styles names.
(Overrides C1ThemeableCompositeDataBoundControlEmbeddedVisualStyles()()()().)
Public property EmptyDataRowStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the empty data row rendered when a C1GridView control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records.
Public property EmptyDataTemplate
Gets or sets the user-defined content for the empty data row rendered when a C1GridView control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records.
Public property EmptyDataText
Gets or sets the text to display in the empty data row rendered when a C1GridView control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records.
Public property Enabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Enabled.)
Public property ErrorText
Gets or sets the text to display if an error occurs during a callback to the server.
Public property FilterMode
Gets or sets value indicating whether filtering will be performed automatically or not.
Public property FilterRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the filter row in a C1GridView control.
Public property FilterSettings
Gets the FilterSettings object that defines the filter behaviors of the column at client-side.
Public property FilterStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the filter row in a C1GridView control.
Public property FooterRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the footer row in a C1GridView control.
Public property FooterStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the footer row in a C1GridView control.
Public property GridLines
Gets or sets the grid lines to be shown in the rendered table.
Public property GroupByCaption
Caption of the grouping area.
Public property GroupedColumns
Returns the columns contained in a group.
Public property GroupIndent
Gets or sets the indentation of your group.
Public property GroupingStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the grouping area in a C1GridView control.
Public property HeaderRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the header row in a C1GridView control.
Public property HeaderRows
Gets an array of C1GridViewRow objects that represents the header rows in a C1GridView control.
Public property HeaderStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the header row in a C1GridView control.
Public property HorizontalAlign
Determines the horizontal alignment of the C1GridView control.
Public property OptimizeDataOnlyRendering
Determines if data-only or full update of grid's HTML content will take place during callback.
Public property OptimizePartialRendering
Determines if partial or full update of grid's HTML content will take place during callback.
Public property PageCount
Gets the total number of pages needed to display the items in the C1GridView component.
Public property PageIndex
Gets or sets the index of the current page.
Public property PagerSettings
Gets a reference to the C1GridViewPagerSettings object that enables you to set the properties of the pager buttons in a C1GridView control.
Public property PagerStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the pager row in a C1GridView control.
Public property PagerTemplate
Gets or sets the custom content for the pager row in a C1GridView control.
Public property PageSize
Gets or sets the number of items to place on a single page.
Public property ResizeSettings
Gets the ResizeSettings object that defines the resizing behavior of the columns on client-side.
Public property RowHeader
Gets a C1RowHeaderField object that represents the row header in a C1GridView control.
Public property RowHeaderColumn
Gets or sets the name of the column to use as the column header for the C1GridView control. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property Rows
Gets a collection of objects representing the items in C1GridView.
Public property RowStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the data rows in a C1GridView control.
Public property ScrollSettings
Gets the scroll setting for the C1GridView control.
Public property SelectedDataKey
Gets the DataKey object that contains the data key value for the selected row in a C1GridView control.
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected row.
Public property SelectedRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the selected item in a C1GridView control.
Public property SelectedRowStyle
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the selected row in a C1GridView control.
Public property SelectedValue
Gets the data key value of the selected row in a C1GridView control.
Public property SelectionMode
Gets or sets a C1GridViewSelectionMode enumeration member that represents grid's client-side selection behaviour.
Public property ShowCurrency
Public property ShowFilter
Gets or sets value indicating whether filter row is visible or not.
Public property ShowFooter
Determines whether the footer is displayed.
Public property ShowHeader
Determines whether the header is displayed.
Public property TabNavigation
Gets or sets a value indicating how control handles the tab key in order to change currency.
Public property TopPagerRow
Gets a C1GridViewRow object that represents the top pager row in a C1GridView control.
Public property UseAccessibleHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1GridView control renders its header in an accessible format. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property UseEmbeddedVisualStyles
If true then control will use the VisualStyle embedded into control's assembly; otherwise control will load the VisualStyle from disk.
(Overrides C1ThemeableCompositeDataBoundControlUseEmbeddedVisualStyles()()()().)
Public property VirtualItemCount
Gets or sets the virtual number of items when custom paging is used.
Public property VirtualScrollSize
Determines the number of rows to load from server when using virtual scrolling.
Public property VisualStyle
Gets or sets the visual style name used by the control.
(Overrides C1ThemeableCompositeDataBoundControlVisualStyle()()()().)
Public property VisualStylePath
Gets or sets the path to the visual style folder.
(Overrides C1ThemeableCompositeDataBoundControlVisualStylePath()()()().)
Public property WaitImagePosition
Gets or sets the position of the wait image.

See Also