Specifies the state of a row in the C1GridView control.

Namespace:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView
Assembly:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.2 (in C1.Web.UI.Controls.2.dll)


public enum C1GridViewRowState
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration C1GridViewRowState


Member nameDescription
Normal Indicates that the data control row is in a normal state. The Normal state is mutually exclusive with other states except the Alternate state.
Alternate Indicates that the data control row is an alternate row.
Selected Indicates that the row has been selected by the user.
Edit Indicates that the row is in an edit state, often the result of clicking an edit button for the row. Typically, the Edit and Insert states are mutually exclusive.
Insert Indicates that the row is a new row, often the result of clicking an insert button to add a new row. Typically, the Insert and Edit states are mutually exclusive.

See Also