ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET AJAX: GridView for ASP.NET AJAX Task-Based Help > Using Aggregates and Grouping > Adding Outlook-Style Grouping

Adding Outlook-Style Grouping

This topic demonstrates Outlook-style grouping using a drag-and-drop operation on the client side. Complete the following steps:

1.   Import the following namespaces:

      Visual Basic

Imports C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView

Imports System.Drawing


using C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView;

using System.Drawing;

2.   Set the AllowColMoving, AllowGrouping and AllowSorting properties to True by adding the following code to the Page_Load event:

      Visual Basic

C1GridView1.AllowColMoving = True

C1GridView1.AllowGrouping = True

C1GridView1.AllowSorting = True


C1GridView1.AllowColMoving = true;

C1GridView1.AllowGrouping = true;

C1GridView1.AllowSorting = true;

3.   Set the C1GridView.DataSourceID property.

4.   Add the following code for the GroupColumnMoved event:

      Visual Basic

Protected Sub C1GridView1_GroupColumnMoved(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView.C1GridViewGroupColumnMovedEventArgs) Handles C1GridView1.GroupColumnMoved

    If e.GroupMove <> C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView.GroupMove.FromGroup Then

        e.Column.HeaderStyle.BackColor = C1GridView1.GroupingStyle.BackColor

        e.Column.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black

    End If

End Sub


protected void C1GridView1_GroupColumnMoved(object sender, C1GridViewGroupColumnMovedEventArgs e)


    if (e.GroupMove != C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView.GroupMove.FromGroup)


        e.Column.HeaderStyle.BackColor = C1GridView1.GroupingStyle.BackColor;

        e.Column.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black;



 What You've Accomplished

Run your application and observe that dragging and dropping a column allows you to group by that column.

* Sample Project Available

For the complete sample, see the OutlineGrouping sample located on the ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.

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