ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET AJAX: GridView for ASP.NET AJAX Task-Based Help > Using Client-Side Scrolling > Creating a Scrollable Grid

Creating a Scrollable Grid

To enable vertical and horizontal scrolling in a C1GridView control, select the C1GridView control and set the ScrollSettings.ScrollMode property to ScrollBar and set the ScrollSettings.ScrollOrientation property.

For example, use the following code:

      Visual Basic

' Set the grid's height and width.

C1GridView1.Height = 250

C1GridView1.Width = 450

' Turn scrolling on.

C1GridView1.ScrollSettings.ScrollMode = C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView.C1GirdViewScrollMode.ScrollBar

' Set both horizontal and vertical scrolling.

C1GridView1.ScrollSettings.ScrollOrientation = C1.Web.UI.DOMScrollOrientation.Both


// Set the grid's height and width.

C1GridView1.Height = 250;

C1GridView1.Width = 450;

// Turn scrolling on.

C1GridView1.ScrollSettings.ScrollMode = C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1GridView.C1GridView.ScrollMode.ScrollBar;

// Set both horizontal and vertical scrolling.

C1GridView1.ScrollSettings.ScrollOrientation = C1.Web.UI.DOMScrollOrientation.Both;

The grid will have both horizontal and vertical scrollbars. Note that the Height and Width properties must be specified in order for the scrollbars to appear and scroll properly.

* Sample Project Available

For the complete sample, see the Scrollable sample located on the ComponentOne HelpCentral Sample page.

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