ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET AJAX: GridView for ASP.NET AJAX Samples

GridView for ASP.NET AJAX Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with the ComponentOne Studios.

Samples can be accessed from the ComponentOne Sample Explorer. To view samples, on your desktop, click the Start button and then click All Programs | ComponentOne | Studio for ASP.NET | Samples | Palomino Samples.

C# Samples

ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET AJAX includes several C# samples; the following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET AJAX detail the C1GridView control's functionality:





This sample demonstrates automatic row spanning, grouping and, aggregates. The grouped and summary views can be collapsed or expanded with the mouse. Totals are calculated automatically by the grid.


This sample demonstrates  how to add, edit, and delete records entirely on the client, making data entry faster and more intuitive.


This sample demonstrates how to allow end-users to select single, range, or multiple cells, rows, or columns.


This sample demonstrates column settings and interactions. C1GridView supports bands to organize columns into hierarchical structure implementing multilevel column headers. You can re-arrange columns using drag-and-drop operations, resize columns, and sort a column by clicking its header.


This sample demonstrates how the C1GridView control's currency (current chosen cell) can be changed by mouse and keyboard interaction.



This sample shows a custom hierarchical grid created by deriving a custom class from C1GridView and using column templates.


This sample shows how you can edit data using C1GridView.


This sample shows how you can filter data using C1GridView, and demonstrates filter options.


This sample details C1GridView's grouping functionality.



This sample shows Outlook-style grouping using drag-and-drop operations on the client-side.


This sample shows how you can customize paging.


This sample shows different scrolling options with fixed rows and column.


Details the visual styles supported by C1GridView.

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