jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview Namespace > options type : dataLoading Event |
var options; // Type: jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview.options // Create a new c1gridview widget $(".selector").c1gridview(options); // Get a previously created c1gridview widget instance var widgetInstance; // Type: jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview widgetInstance = $(".selector").data("wijmo-c1gridview"); // Set dataLoading event handler function widgetInstance.option("dataLoading", function (e) { } );
dataLoading = function ( e : Object ) { };
// This sample allows you to set the session ID when loading a portion of data from the remote wijdatasource: $("#element").wijgrid({ data: new wijdatasource({ proxy: new wijhttpproxy({ // some code here }) }), dataLoading: function (e) { var dataSource = $(this).wijgrid("option", "data"); dataSource.proxy.options.data.sessionID = getSessionID(); } });