ASP.NET MVC Controls
C1.Web.Mvc.Sheet.Fluent Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassBoundSheetBuilder<T> The builder for the BoundSheet.
ClassCellRangeFactory The CellRangeFactory for setting CellRanges with fluent api.
ClassControlBuilderFactoryExtension Extends ControlBuilderFactory for FlexSheet related controls creation.
ClassFlexSheetBuilder The builder for the FlexSheet.
ClassFormulaBarBuilder The builder for the FormulaBar.
ClassFormulaBarExtension Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use FormulaBar extender.
ClassScriptsBuilderExtension Extends C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ScriptsBuilder class for FlexSheet control scripts.
ClassSheetBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> The builder for the Sheet.
ClassUnboundSheetBuilder The builder for the UnboundSheet.
See Also


C1.Web.Mvc.FlexSheet Assembly



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