ASP.NET MVC Controls
C1.Web.Mvc.Sheet Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassBorder Border styles.
ClassBorderCollection All borders of a cell.
ClassBoundSheet<T> Represents a bound sheet.
ClassCell The Excel cell.
ClassCellPosition The coordinates of a cell in a worksheet.
ClassColumn A column in a worksheet.
ClassFill Cell fill styles.
ClassFlexSheet The FlexSheet control extends the FlexGrid control and provides an Excel-like functionality.
ClassFlexSheetHelper Supports the load processing of the request from the client-side FlexSheet.
ClassFlexSheetLoadResponse The response data for FlexSheet remote loading.
ClassFlexSheetRequestAttribute Represents an attribute that invokes a model binder for FlexSheet request.
ClassFlexSheetRequestModelBinder Defines the model binder for FlexSheet form-request.
ClassFlexSheetSaveRequest The request data for FlexSheet remote saving.
ClassFlexSheetSaveResponse The response for Flexsheet remote save.
ClassFont Font styles.
ClassFormulaBar Define an extender used to set the formula bar.
ClassFrozenPane The FrozenPane of worksheet
ClassRange A rectangular area in a worksheet denominated by a top-left cell and a bottom-right cell.
ClassRow A row in a worksheet.
ClassSheet Represents a sheet within the FlexSheet control.
ClassStyle The appearance attributes of certain cells.
ClassUnboundSheet Represents an unbound sheet.
ClassWorkbook The Excel workbook.
ClassWorksheet The Excel worksheet.
EnumerationBorderLinetype The style of the cell borders.
EnumerationContentType Specifies the type of remote save content.
EnumerationHAlignType Horizontal alignment options.
EnumerationPatternStyle The pattern type of the cell fills.
EnumerationTextDirectionType The direction of text flow.
EnumerationVAlignType Vertical alignment options.
See Also


C1.Web.Mvc.FlexSheet Assembly



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