ASP.NET MVC Controls
SVGStyleBuilder Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SVGStyleBuilder.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSVGStyleBuilder ConstructorCreate one SVGStyleBuilder instance.  
Public Methods
Public MethodArrowEndSets the ArrowEnd property.  
Public MethodClipRectSets the ClipRect property.  
Public MethodCursorSets the Cursor property.  
Public MethodCxSets the Cx property.  
Public MethodCySets the Cy property.  
Public MethodFillSets the Fill property.  
Public MethodFillOpacitySets the FillOpacity property.  
Public MethodFontSets the Font property.  
Public MethodFontFamilySets the FontFamily property.  
Public MethodFontSizeSets the FontSize property.  
Public MethodFontWeightSets the FontWeight property.  
Public MethodHeightSets the Height property.  
Public MethodHrefSets the Href property.  
Public MethodOpacitySets the Opacity property.  
Public MethodPathSets the Path property.  
Public MethodRSets the R property.  
Public MethodRxSets the Rx property.  
Public MethodRySets the Ry property.  
Public MethodSrcSets the Src property.  
Public MethodStrokeSets the Stroke property.  
Public MethodStrokeDasharraySets the StrokeDasharray property.  
Public MethodStrokeLinecapSets the StrokeLinecap property.  
Public MethodStrokeLinejoinSets the StrokeLinejoin property.  
Public MethodStrokeMiterlimitSets the StrokeMiterlimit property.  
Public MethodStrokeOpacitySets the StrokeOpacity property.  
Public MethodStrokeWidthSets the StrokeWidth property.  
Public MethodTargetSets the Target property.  
Public MethodTextSets the Text property.  
Public MethodTextAnchorSets the TextAnchor property.  
Public MethodTitleSets the Title property.  
Public MethodTransformSets the Transform property.  
Public MethodWidthSets the Width property.  
Public MethodXSets the X property.  
Public MethodYSets the Y property.  
See Also


SVGStyleBuilder Class
C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent Namespace



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