ASP.NET MVC Controls
C1.Web.Mvc Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAnnotationBase Represents the base class of annotations for the AnnotationLayer.
ClassAnnotationLayer<T> Define an extender to set the annotation layer for FlexChart and FinancialChart.
ClassAutoComplete<T> The AutoComplete control is an input control that allows callers to customize the item list as the user types.
ClassAutoCompleteBase<T> The base class for AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete.
ClassBoxWhisker<T> BoxWhisker series is normally used to compare distributions between different sets of numerical data.
ClassBulletGraph The BulletGraph is a type of linear gauge designed specifically for use
ClassC1JsonRequestAttribute Custom model binder attribute for C1 json request data.
ClassC1JsonRequestModelBinder Custom model binder for C1 json request data.
ClassCalendar The Calendar control displays a one-month calendar and allows users to select a date.
ClassCallbackManager Callback manager.
ClassCellTemplate Define the cell template class.
ClassChartAnimation<T> Define an extender to provide built-in animation while loading and updating the chart.
ClassChartAxis<T> Represents chart axis.
ClassChartGestures<T> Define an extender to allow the user to zoom or pan on the specified FlexChart.
ClassChartLegend Represents the chart legend.
ClassChartSeries<T> Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.
ClassChartSeriesBase<T> Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.
ClassChartTooltip Represents chart tooltip.
ClassCircle Represents a circle annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassCollectionViewBatchEditRequest<T> Define the request data for batch updating.
ClassCollectionViewEditRequest<T> The request data for editing which is passed from client side.
ClassCollectionViewHelper Supports the read and write processing of the request from the client-side CollectionView.
ClassCollectionViewItemResult<T> The result of operating a CollectionView item.
ClassCollectionViewRequest<T> The request data which is passed from client side.
ClassCollectionViewResponse<T> The response data of CollectionView.
ClassColorPicker The ColorPicker control allows users to select a color by clicking on panels to adjust color channels (hue, saturation, brightness, alpha).
ClassColumn Represents a column on the grid.
ClassColumnBase Represents a column on the grid.
ClassColumnFilter Defines a filter for a column on a FlexGrid control.
ClassColumnInfo Represents a column info that describes a column on the grid.
ClassComboBox<T> The ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available.
ClassComboBoxBase<T> The ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available.
ClassComponent Represents the C1 MVC component class.
ClassConditionFilter Defines a condition filter for a column.
ClassControl Defines the basic class for controls.
ClassDataLabel The point data label for FlexChart.
ClassDataLabelBase The basic type of the point data label
ClassDataMap Represents a data map for use with the column's DataMap property.
ClassDataMapInfo Represents a data map info for use with the ColumnInfo's DataMap property.
ClassDataPoint Class that represents a data point (with x and y coordinates).
ClassDropDown DropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down.
ClassDropDown<T> DropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down.
ClassEllipse Represents an ellipse annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassErrorBar<T> The ErrorBar series helps you see margins of error and standard deviations at a glance. They can be shown as a standard error amount, a percentage, or a standard deviation. You can also set your own values to display the exact error amounts you want.
ClassExtraOptions Extra options for FlexChart. Extra options for Flex Chart.
ClassExtraSeries<T> Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.
ClassFilterCondition Defines a filter condition.
ClassFlexChart<T> The FlexChart control provides a powerful and flexible way to visualize data.
ClassFlexChartBase<T> The base class of flex chart.
ClassFlexGrid<T> The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format.
ClassFlexGridBase<T> The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format.
ClassFlexGridDetailProvider<T> Define an extender used to set the FlexGridDetailProvider .
ClassFlexGridFilter<T> Define an extender used to set the flexgrid filter.
ClassFlexGridGroupPanel<T> Define an extender used to set the flexgrid group panel.
ClassFlexPie<T> The FlexPie control provides pie and doughnut charts with selectable slices.
ClassFlexPieBase<T> The base class of flex pie.
ClassFlexRadar<T> Radar chart control.
ClassFlexRadarSeries<T> Represents a series of data points to display in the chart. Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.
ClassFormInputBase The base class for all form input controls.
ClassFunctionSeries<T> Represents an extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
ClassFunnelOptions Options for Funnel chart.
ClassGauge Base Gauge control.
ClassGroupDescription Represents a base class for types defining grouping conditions. Represents a base class for types defining grouping conditions.
ClassImage Define an image annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassInputBase The base class for all input controls.
ClassInputColor The InputColor control allows users to select colors by typing in HTML-supported color strings, or to pick colors from a drop-down that shows a ColorPicker control.
ClassInputDate The control allows users to type in dates using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick dates from a drop-down box that shows a Calendar control.
ClassInputDateBase The base class for the controls which allow the users to type in dates.
ClassInputDateTime The control allows users to input dates and times, either by typing complete date/time values in any format supported, or by picking dates from a drop-down calendar and times from a drop-down list.
ClassInputMask The InputMask control provides a way to govern what a user is allowed to input.
ClassInputNumber The InputNumber control allows users to enter numbers.
ClassInputTime<T> The InputTime control allows users to enter times using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick times from a drop-down list.
ClassItemsBoundControl<T> The base class of items bound control.
ClassLine Represents a line annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassLinearGauge The LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator
ClassLinearGaugeBase The LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator
ClassListBox<T> The ListBox control displays a list of items which may contain plain text or HTML, and allows users to select items with the mouse or the keyboard.
ClassMenu The Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch.
ClassMenuBase<T> The Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch.
ClassMenuCommand Represents the action for the MenuItem to execute.
ClassMenuItem Represents the items displayed in the Menu.
ClassModelBinderBase Defines a base class of model binder for customizing.
ClassMovingAverage<T> Represents an extension of the MovingAverage Series for the FlexChart.
ClassMultiAutoComplete<T> A control control allows users to pick items from lists that contain custom objects or simple strings.
ClassMultiSelect<T> The MultiSelect control allows users to select multiple items from drop-down lists that contain custom objects or simple strings.
ClassOperationResult The result of an operation. The result of an operation.
ClassPager The Pager control can bind to a data control or CollectionView service to support page navigation.
ClassParametricFunctionSeries<T> Represents a parametric extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
ClassPieDataLabel The point data label for FlexPie.
ClassPlotArea Represents a plot area on the chart.
ClassPolygon Represents a polygon annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassPopup The class that shows an element as a popup.
ClassPropertyGroupDescription Describes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion. Describes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion.
ClassRadialGauge The RadialGauge displays a circular scale with an indicator
ClassRange Defines ranges to be used with Gauge controls.
ClassRectangle Represents a rectangle annotation for AnnotationLayer.
ClassShape Represents a base class of shape annotations for the AnnotationLayer.
ClassSortDescription Sort description.
ClassSquare Represents a square annotation for the AnnotationLayer.
ClassSunburst<T> The Sunburst control displays hierarhical data as multi-level pie charts.
ClassSVGStyle Defines a class for the svg style. Represents SVG styles.
ClassText Represents a text annotation for the AnnotationLayer.
ClassThemes Defines the names of supported themes.
ClassTitleStyle The Style of title in FlexChart and FlexPie
ClassTreeNode Represents a node in TreeView.
ClassTreeView Defines a control which displays a hierarchical list which may contain text, checkboxes, images, or arbitrary HTML content.
ClassTrendLine<T> Represents an extension of the TrendLine Series for the FlexChart.
ClassTrendLineBase<T> Represents base class for various trend lines.
ClassValueFilter Defines a value filter for a column.
ClassWaterfall<T> Waterfall series is normally used to demonstrate how the starting position either increases or decreases through a series of changes.
ClassWaterfallStyles Supported styles in Waterfall series
ClassYFunctionSeries<T> Represents an extension of the YFunctionSeries for the FlexChart.
InterfaceIDropDown Defines an interface for DropDown.
InterfaceIItemsSource<T> The interface of items source.
InterfaceITemplate Defines the interface of template.
EnumerationAnimationMode Specifies the animation mode whether chart should animate one point at a time, series by series, or all at once.
EnumerationAnnotationAttachment Specifies the attachment of the annotation.
EnumerationAnnotationPosition Specifies the position of the annotation.
EnumerationDateSelectionMode Specifies constants that define the date selection behavior.
EnumerationEasing Specifies the rate of change of a parameter over time.
EnumerationFilterType Specifies types of column filter.
EnumerationFunnelType Specifies the type of Funnel chart. It should be 'Rectangle' or 'Default'. NeckWidth and NeckHeight don't work if type is set to Rectangle.
EnumerationGaugeDirection Represents the direction in which the pointer of a LinearGauge increases.
EnumerationInteractiveAxes Specifies the interactive axes of the chart gestures.
EnumerationMouseAction Specifies the mouse action of the chart gestures.
EnumerationPopupTrigger Specifies actions that trigger showing and hiding Popup controls.
EnumerationShowText Specifies which values should be displayed as text.
See Also


C1.Web.Mvc Assembly



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