The DrawelInputRadioButton type exposes the following members.


bc (Inherited from Drawel.)
bl (Inherited from Drawel.)
bo (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
cb (Inherited from Drawel.)
cf (Inherited from Drawel.)
cp (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
C1Doc meta info
(Inherited from Drawel.)
drs (Inherited from Drawel.)
f (Inherited from Drawel.)
Returns the true if this drawel has the input focus on C1PrintPreview.
(Inherited from DrawelInput.)
hh (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
i (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
ib (Inherited from Drawel.)
iba (Inherited from Drawel.)
InternalExportData (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
Checks whether this drawel has been fully resolved (i.e. does not need to be printed on subsequent pages).
(Inherited from DrawelBase.)
IsSelfResolved (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
l (Inherited from Drawel.)
mi (Inherited from Drawel.)
n (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
oi (Inherited from Drawel.)
Outline info for creating an outline entry pointing to this drawel
(Inherited from Drawel.)
pa (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
re (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
This is runtime-only property used by the generator to mark drawels that were resolved. Patchy.
(Inherited from DrawelBase.)
ro (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
s (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
sp (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
u (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
ud (Inherited from Drawel.)
Arbitrary user data (must be serializable if storage is required)
(Inherited from Drawel.)
ww (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
xx (Inherited from DrawelBase.)
yy (Inherited from DrawelBase.)

See Also