Represents a report band.
C1.C1ReportAssembly: C1.C1Report.2 (in C1.C1Report.2.dll)
C# |
[ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] [GuidAttribute("4DF89463-AA4C-4188-ABA7-417BA511F74B")] public class Section |
Visual Basic |
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)> _ <GuidAttribute("4DF89463-AA4C-4188-ABA7-417BA511F74B")> _ Public Class Section |
Each Section object contains a collection of fields objects that display individual data items within the section.
Every report contains the following sections:
A detail section.
A report header and a report footer section.
A page header and a page footer section.
A group header and a group footer section for each Group object in the report.
The total number of sections in a report is therefore Copy CodeC#. Sections cannot
be added and removed from reports directly. The number of sections is a function of the number of groups.5 + 2 * Groups.Count
Although sections cannot be removed, they can be hidden by setting their Visible property to false.