C1MultiDocument Outlines
C1MultiDocument includes outline support. A collection of outline nodes specific to the multi-document may be specified via the Outlines property. The resulting outline (such as for the preview) is built as a combination of outline nodes in that collection and outline nodes in the contained documents. This outline can be built programmatically using the MakeOutlines() method.
The multi-document's own Outlines collection is processed first, and nodes from that collection are included in the resulting outline. If a node is also specified as the value of the OutlineNode of a contained C1MultiDocumentItem (for example, the two properties reference the same object), the whole outline of the document or report represented by that item is inserted into the resulting outline. Depending on the value of the multi-document item's NestedOutlinesMode property, the outline of the document or report is either nested within the outline node, or replaces it. Finally, outlines of documents and reports represented by items that are not included in the multi-document's Outlines collection are automatically appended to the resulting outline sequentially.
Outlines support is provided by the following properties and methods:
• Outlines property
• MakeOutlines method
• Outlines property
• OutlineNode property