Customizable Reports
Customizable reports are a variation on Reports Loaded at Run Time. This scenario consists of loading the basic report definitions from a file, then writing code to customize the reports according to user selections.
For example, the following code changes the font used in the Detail section:
Imports C1.C1Report
Dim s As Section = c1r.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail)
Dim f As Field
For Each f In s.Fields
f.Font.Name = "Arial Narrow"
• C#
using C1.C1Report;
Section s = c1r.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail];
foreach (Field f in s.Fields)
f.Font.Name = "Arial Narrow";
The following code toggles the display of a group by turning its Sort property on or off and setting the Visible property of the Group's Header and Footer sections:
Dim bShowGroup As Boolean
bShowGroup = True
With c1r.Groups(0)
If bShowGroup Then
.SectionHeader.Visible = True
.SectionFooter.Visible = True
.Sort = SortEnum.Ascending
.SectionHeader.Visible = False
.SectionFooter.Visible = False
.Sort = SortEnum.NoSort
End If
End With
• C#
bool bShowGroup;
bShowGroup = true;
if (bShowGroup)
c1r.Groups[0].SectionHeader.Visible = true;
c1r.Groups[0].SectionFooter.Visible = true;
c1r.Groups[0].Sort = SortEnum.Ascending;
c1r.Groups[0].SectionHeader.Visible = false;
c1r.Groups[0].SectionFooter.Visible = false;
c1r.Groups[0].Sort = SortEnum.NoSort;
These samples illustrate just a few ways that you can customize reports. There are infinite possibilities, because the object model offers access to every aspect of the report. (In fact, you can create whole reports entirely with code).