Step 4 of 9: Add Code to Handle the Toolbar Commands
To handle the clicks on the toolbar buttons and dispatch them to the appropriate handlers, use the following code:
' handle clicks on toolbar buttons
Private Sub _tb_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs) Handles _tb.ButtonClick
' design/preview mode
If e.Button.Equals(_btnDesign) Then
End If
If e.Button.Equals(_btnPreview) Then
' file commands
If e.Button.Equals(_btnNew) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnOpen) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnSave) Then
' allow user to undo clipboard operations
If e.Button.Equals(_btnCut) Or e.Button.Equals(_btnPaste) Then
End If
' clipboard
If e.Button.Equals(_btnCut) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnCopy) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnPaste) Then
' undo/redo
If e.Button.Equals(_btnUndo) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnRedo) Then
' add/remove reports
If e.Button.Equals(_btnAddReport) Then
If e.Button.Equals(_btnDelReport) Then
' add fields
' (just set create info and wait for CreateField event from designer)
If e.Button.Equals(_btnAddField) Then
_c1rd.CreateFieldInfo = e.Button
End If
If e.Button.Equals(_btnAddLabel) Then
_c1rd.CreateFieldInfo = e.Button
End If
End Sub
• C#
// handle clicks on toolbar buttons
private void _tb_ButtonClick(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e)
// design/preview mode
if (e.Button == _btnDesign) SetDesignMode(true);
if (e.Button == _btnPreview) SetDesignMode(false);
// file commands
if (e.Button == _btnNew) NewFile();
if (e.Button == _btnOpen) OpenFile();
if (e.Button == _btnSave) SaveFile();
// allow user to undo clipboard operations
if (e.Button == _btnCut || e.Button == _btnPaste)
// clipboard
if (e.Button == _btnCut) _c1rd.ClipboardHandler.Cut();
if (e.Button == _btnCopy) _c1rd.ClipboardHandler.Copy();
if (e.Button == _btnPaste) _c1rd.ClipboardHandler.Paste();
// undo/redo
if (e.Button == _btnUndo) _c1rd.UndoStack.Undo();
if (e.Button == _btnRedo) _c1rd.UndoStack.Redo();
// add/remove reports
if (e.Button == _btnAddReport) NewReport();
if (e.Button == _btnDelReport) DeleteReport();
// add fields
// (just set create info and wait for CreateField event from designer)
if (e.Button == _btnAddField) _c1rd.CreateFieldInfo = e.Button;
if (e.Button == _btnAddLabel) _c1rd.CreateFieldInfo = e.Button;
This routine dispatches about half of the commands to specialized handlers. These will be described later. The other half (clipboard, undo/redo) is handled directly by the C1ReportDesigner control.
Note that before calling the Cut and Paste methods, the code calls the SaveState method to save the current state of the report. This allows the user to undo and redo clipboard operations. In general, your code should always call SaveState before making changes to the report.