The RdlFloat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RdlFloat(Double)
Initializes a new instance of the RdlFloat class with a constant value.
Public method RdlFloat(String)
Initializes a new instance of the RdlFloat class. The s string is parsed to determine whether it represents a constant or an expression.


  Name Description
Public method Equals
Compares the current object with another object. This method performs comparison by value.
(Overrides RdlProp..::..Equals(Object).)
Public method GetHashCode
Gets the hash code for the current object, based on value.
(Overrides RdlProp..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public method ToString
Converts the current object to a string.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public method Static member TryParse
Parses a string into properties of the RdlFloat class.


  Name Description
Public operator Static member Equality
Tests whether two RdlFloat objects are equal.
Public operator Static member Inequality
Tests whether two RdlFloat objects are not equal.


  Name Description
Protected field m_Expression
The expression.
(Inherited from RdlProp.)
Protected field m_IsExpression
A flag indicating that the value is an expression.
(Inherited from RdlProp.)


  Name Description
Public property Expression
Gets the expression associated with the current RdlProp. Note that this property throws an exception if the current object contains a constant (i.e. if IsExpression gets false).
(Inherited from RdlProp.)
Public property IsExpression
Gets a value indicating whether the current RdlProp is specified as an expression.
(Inherited from RdlProp.)
Public property Static member NaN
Gets an RdlFloat object representing the double.NaN value.
Public property Value
Gets the double value when the current object contains a constant. Throws an exception when it contains an expression.
Public property Static member Zero
Gets an RdlFloat object representing the zero value.

See Also