The ReportSize type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ReportSize(String)
Initializes a new instance of the ReportSize type.
Public method ReportSize(ReportSizeType, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the ReportSize type.


  Name Description
Public method Static member Compare
Compares two sizes.
Public method Convert(ReportSizeType)
Converts the current size to specified units.
Public method Convert(UnitTypeEnum)
Converts the current size to specified units.
Public method Equals
Compares the current size with another object. This method performs comparison by value.
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Public method GetHashCode
Gets the hash code for the current object, based on its value.
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public method Static member IsNullOrEmpty
Tests whether a size is null or empty.
Public method Static member Parse
Converts a string to the corresponding ReportSizeType value.
Public method Static member ReportSizeTypeToString
Converts a ReportSizeType value to a string representation as in the following table:
  • Inch"in"
  • Millimeter"mm"
  • Point"pt"
  • Centemeters"cm"
Public method Static member ReportSizeTypeToUnit
Converts a ReportSizeType value to the corresponding UnitTypeEnum value.
Public method Static member StringToReportSizeType
Converts a string to a ReportSizeType value. The string can be one of the following: "in", "mm", "cm", "pt". This method is case-insensitive.
Public method ToCentimeters
Converts the current size to centimeters.
Public method ToDoc
Converts the current size to "doc" units (1/300 of an inch).
Public method ToInches
Converts the current size to inches.
Public method ToMillimeters
Converts the current size to millimeters.
Public method ToPixels
Converts the current size to pixels.
Public method ToPoints
Converts the current size to points.
Public method ToString
Converts the current object to a string. The returned string can be converted back to the current length object (e.g. it can be used to initialize a ReportSize to the same value).
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public method ToUnit
Converts the current size to a Unit.
Public method Static member TryParse
Converts a string to the corresponding ReportSizeType value. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.


  Name Description
Public operator Static member Addition
Adds two sizes.
Public operator Static member Equality
Tests whether two ReportSize values are equal.
Public operator Static member Inequality
Tests whether two ReportSize values are not equal.
Public operator Static member Subtraction
Subtracts one size from another.


  Name Description
Public property Abs
Converts the current size to its absolute value.
Public property Static member Empty
Represents an empty size.
Public property IsNeg
Gets a value indicating whether the current size is negative.
Public property Units
Gets the units of measurement used by the current size.
Public property Value
Gets the absolute value of the current size (in Units).

See Also