Returns the DocumentLocation pointed to by the current link target.

This method may return null if the position cannot be resolved at this time (e.g. if the document has not generated yet) or the link target points to a position outside the document (e.g a URL or an external document).

Namespace:  C1.C1Preview
Assembly:  C1.C1Report.2 (in C1.C1Report.2.dll)


public DocumentLocation GetDocumentLocation(
	int currentPageIndex,
	C1PrintDocument document
Visual Basic
Public Function GetDocumentLocation ( _
	currentPageIndex As Integer, _
	document As C1PrintDocument _
) As DocumentLocation


Type: System..::..Int32
0-based index of the page containing the current link target. This is used for relative targets (such as previous page) and may be -1 if there is no current page in the current context, or the link target is absolute.
Type: C1.C1Preview..::..C1PrintDocument
The document containing the current link target.

Return Value

The DocumentLocation containing the target location.

See Also