Converts a RectangleD structure expressed in specified UnitTypeEnum units to a RectangleD expressed in the current document's ResolvedUnit units, using CreationDpi as the source resolution if srcType is Pixel.

Namespace:  C1.C1Preview
Assembly:  C1.C1Report.2 (in C1.C1Report.2.dll)


public RectangleD ToRU(
	RectangleD value,
	UnitTypeEnum srcType
Visual Basic
Public Function ToRU ( _
	value As RectangleD, _
	srcType As UnitTypeEnum _
) As RectangleD


Type: C1.C1Preview..::..RectangleD
The source value to convert.
Type: C1.C1Preview..::..UnitTypeEnum
The unit of measurement used to express the source value. If equal to Pixel, the current document's CreationDpi is used as the source resolution (DPI).

Return Value

The RectangleD expressed in ResolvedUnit units.

See Also