The TableCellCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AssignFrom
Assigns (copies) properties from another TableCellCollection to the current object.
Public method FindCell
Returns the TableCell object at the specified row and column in the containing RenderTable, or null if that object has not been initialized.
Protected method FindObjectIndex
Performs a fast search for the specified object within the current FastList.
(Inherited from FastList.)
Public method GetRightBottomBounds
Gets the bounds of the initialized cells area. The returned Size structure's Width contains the column index of the rightmost initialized cell + 1, while Height contains the row index of the bottommost initialized cell + 1.
Protected method Remove
Removes the specified element from the current list.
(Inherited from FastList.)
Protected method RemoveAt
Removes the element at the specified index from the current list.
(Inherited from FastList.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Add (Inherited from FastList.)

See Also