
  Class Description
Public class Aggregate
Represents an aggregate value calculated on a data-bound element of a C1PrintDocument over a certain scope.
Public class AggregateCollection
Represents a collection of Aggregate objects.
Public class C1DataBinding
Represents the data binding properties of an databound element in a C1PrintDocument. Properties of this type are DataBinding on RenderObject, and DataBinding on groups of table rows and columns (see TableVector).
Public class C1DataSchema
Represents a data schema of a C1PrintDocument.
Public class ConnectionProperties
Contains information about how to connect to a data source.
Public class DataSet
Represents a data set used by a data-bound element of a C1PrintDocument.
Public class DataSetCollection
Represents a collection of DataSet objects in a C1DataSchema.
Public class DataSetField
Represents a field in a DataSet. The field may represent a native DB field (assigned via the DataField property), or may be calculated by an expression (set by the Expression property).
Public class DataSetFieldCollection
Represents a collection of DataSetField objects. All fields in the collection must have unique non-empty names.
Public class DataSource
Represents a data source in a C1DataSchema or in a Query.
Public class DataSourceCollection
Represents a collection of DataSource objects in a C1DataSchema (see DataSources).
Public class Expression
Represents an expression that can be used is calculated fields, grouping, sorting etc.
Public class ExpressionCollection
Represents a collection of Expression objects.
Public class Field
Represents a data field available to a data-bound object of a C1PrintDocument. The collection of available fields is returned by the Fields property of the object's C1DataBinding.
Public class FieldCollection
Collection of Field objects.
Public class Grouping
Represents a set of expressions that determine the grouping of data in a data-bound object in a C1PrintDocument (see Grouping).

When the document generates, a new group is created if at least one expression in the Expressions collection evaluates to a different value.

Public class Query
Describes a query that is executed to fetch data for a DataSet (the query is specified by the Query property on the data set object).
Public class QueryParameter
Represents a parameter that is passed to the data source as part of a query defined by a Query object.
Public class QueryParameterCollection
Represens a collection of QueryParameter objects. All parameters in the collection must have unique non-empty names.
Public class SortExpression
Represents an expression used to sort data, and the direction of the sort.
Public class SortExpressionCollection
Collection of SortExpression objects.
Public class Sorting
Represents the collection of sort expressions (see SortExpression) associated with a data-bound object in a C1PrintDocument.


  Interface Description
Public interface IFieldCollectionOwner
Defines a method that allows to retrieve the value of a Field. This interface is implemented by C1DataBinding.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AggregateCalculateModeEnum
Specifies aggregates calculation mode.
Public enumeration AggregateFuncEnum
Defines the set of supported aggregate functions (see Aggregate).
Public enumeration CommandTypeEnum
Specifies the query type of a Query.
Public enumeration DataProviderEnum
The type of the data source. This will determine the syntax of the ConnectionProperties.ConnectString and Query.CommandText.
Public enumeration RunningEnum
Defines the scope of an Aggregate.
Public enumeration SortDirectionEnum
Defines the types of sorting.