Gets or sets the variant of the digit format to use. The valid values are from 1 (default) to 7. See remarks for details.

Namespace:  C1.C1Rdl.Rdl2008
Assembly:  C1.C1Report.2 (in C1.C1Report.2.dll)


public RdlInt NumeralVariant { get; set; }
Visual Basic
Public Property NumeralVariant As RdlInt


  • 1Default, follow Unicode context rules
  • 20123456789
  • 3traditional digits for the script as defined in GDI+. Currently supported for: ar | bn | bo | fa | gu | hi | kn | kok | lo | mr | ms | or | pa | sa | ta | te | th | ur and variants.
  • 4ko, ja, zh-CHS, zh-CHT only
  • 5ko, ja, zh-CHS, zh-CHT only
  • 6ko, ja, zh-CHS, zh-CHT only [Wide versions of regular digits]
  • 7ko only

See Also