The ChartAxisScaleBreak type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BreakLineType
Gets or sets the type of line used to show the scale break.
Public property CollapsibleSpaceThreshold
Gets or sets the percentage of empty space allowed on the axis before a scale break is triggered.

Must be greater than 0. Default: 25.

Public property Enabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether scale breaks can be automatically applied.

Default: False.

Public property IncludeZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to prevent a scale break from spanning zero.

Default: Auto.

Public property MaxNumberOfBreaks
Gets or sets the maximum number of scale breaks to apply.

Default: 2.

Public property Spacing
Gets or sets the amount of space to leave for a scale break, as a percentage of the chart size.

Default: 1.5.

Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style properties for the scale break.

See Also