The ChartDataLabel type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActionInfo
Gets the ActionInfo object defining actions associated with this data label.
Public property Label
Gets or sets the label for the data point.

Not used if UseValueAsLabel is True

Public property Position
Gets or sets the position of the label.

Default: Auto.

Public property Rotation
Gets or sets the angle of rotation of the label text.

Default: 0.

Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style properties for the labels.

If specified, this style overrides Series styles.

Public property ToolTip
Gets or sets the tooltip to display for the data label.
Public property UseValueAsLabel
Gets or sets a value indicating the Y value of the data point should be used as the label.

Default: False.

Public property Visible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data label is displayed on the chart.

Default: False.

See Also