The ChartDataPointCustomProperties..::..PieProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Exploded
Determines if a Pie or Doughnut slice is exploded. Default: false.
Public property LabelsHorizontalLineSize
Gets or sets the horizontal callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. Default: 1.
Public property LabelsRadialLineSize
Gets or sets the radial callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. Default: 1.
Public property Owner
Gets ChartDataPointCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartDataPointCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PieLabelStyle
Gets or sets the data point labels position. Default: Default.
Public property PieLineColor
Gets or sets the color of the radial and horizontal label lines. Default: Color.Empty(auto color).

See Also