The ChartDataPointValues type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property End
Gets or sets the end/close value for the data point. Optional in series with Type = Range with SubType = Stock, Candlestick or BoxPlot.
Public property High
Gets or sets the high value for the data point. Mandatory in series with Type = Range. May be omitted if Y is specified. If so, it defaults to Y.
Public property Low
Gets or sets the high value for the data point. Mandatory in series with Type = Range. May be omitted if Y is specified. If so, it defaults to Y.
Public property Mean
Gets or sets the mean value for the data point. Optional in series with Type = Range with SubType = BoxPlot.
Public property Median
Gets or sets the median value for the data point. Optional in series with Type = Range with SubType = BoxPlot.
Public property Size
Gets or sets the size value for the data point. Optional in series with Type = Scatter with Subtype = Bubble.
Public property Start
Gets or sets the start/open value for the data point. Optional in series with Type = Range with SubType = Stock, Candlestick or BoxPlot.
Public property X
Gets or sets the X value for the data point. Mandatory in series with Type = Scatter.
Public property Y
Gets or sets the Y value for the data point. Mandatory in series with Type not equal to Range, and with Type equal to Range with Subtype = ErrorBar.

See Also