The ChartNoMoveDirections type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Down
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move directly down.
Public property DownLeft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move down-left.
Public property DownRight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move down-right.
Public property Left
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move directly left.
Public property Right
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move directly right.
Public property Up
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move directly up.
Public property UpLeft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move up-left.
Public property UpRight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the smart label is not allowed to move up-right.

See Also