The ChartSeries type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CategoryAxisName
Gets or sets name of the category axis against which to plot this series. If null or empty, the series should be plotted against the first category axis.
Public property ChartAreaName
Gets or sets name of the chart area in which to plot the series. Defaults (if null or empty) to the first chart area in the chart.
Public property CustomProperties
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties collection defining custom properties for the series. This includes all custom chart attributes for series.
Public property DataLabel
Gets ChartDataLabel object indicating the values should be marked with data labels. Applies only within DerivedSeries.
Public property DataPoints
Gets ChartDataPoints object containing data points within the series.
Public property EmptyPoints
Gets ChartEmptyPoints defining behavior of empty points in the series.
Public property Hidden
Gets or sets value indicating whether the series should be hidden.
Public property ItemInLegend
Gets ChartItemInLegend object defining how the series appears when displayed in a legend.
Public property LegendName
Gets or sets name of the legend in which this series should appear.
Public property Marker
Gets ChartMarker object defining appearance of the data point marker. Applies only within DerivedSeries.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the unique name of the current object. If an item with the specified name already exists in the collection, an exception is thrown.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property Owner
Gets the NamedCollection containing the current object.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property SmartLabel
Gets ChartSmartLabel smart label properties.
Public property Style
Gets Style defining style properties for the series.
Public property Subtype
Gets or sets visualization subtype for the series. Available subtypes (and default subtype) depends on Type. By default this property is null it means that default subtype for currently selected Type wiil be used.
Public property Type
Gets or sets visualization type for the series. Default: Column.
Public property ValueAxisName
Gets or sets name of the value axis against which to plot this series. If null or empty, the series should be plotted against the first value axis.

See Also